Insane, the US is part of EVERY f***ing conflict of the world
900 military bases aren't for show
US proxy war with China and Russia heating up
First Ukraine, then Israel, next battleground might be in Taiwan or Philippines then we might see WW3
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
Insane, the US is part of EVERY f***ing conflict of the world
Team America World Police out now on vhs and dvd
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
No way Israel engages in nuclear warfare right?
obviously not, it would be the end for them
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
China doesn't care about this
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
another brilliant take from the school of International Realism/multipolarity
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
shut up man
Insane, the US is part of EVERY f***ing conflict of the world
I'm Mexican American. Parents immigrated to US from Mexico. I understand i'm a person of color in America but i'm also very privileged to be an American. My privilege has come at the cost of the American military industrial complex and the fact that USA basically keeps a boot on the neck of developing countries for my freedoms. This is why i don't support USA or the military or the government. I participate in local and national elections because people died for my right to vote but i an well aware its a broken system
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
F*** me, i just made the whole connection
shut up man
I didn’t think this was so controversial lol I’m just saying it was an armchair theory. Just wild how things are turning out. Not surprising given what the US does, just wild
what’s goin on
Iran taking potshots at tel aviv, iron dome using the patented "swiss cheese" defense
america isn't ready for whats about to happen here. A bunch of people will be shocked that we basically have a south china sea version of nato and we could easily have a pacific island war
Major stain on Biden’s legacy not even taking the genocide into account. He could’ve stopped everything by leveraging the arms funds to Israel. Now the democrats have to cape extra hard for an ultra right-wing government and send more ppl to die in the Middle East
I had a personal theory that this was all planned by Russia, Iran, and China to spread US resources thin
Russia was to start with Ukraine, Iran then to influence starting with Israel, then China last
Dawg even a little bit of reading/research/understanding of American imperialism and hegemony will show you how dumb this is
Hope u iranians stay cucked forever
Read an iranian tweet so wanted to add context: Stay cucked by israel @Uncle_Jack
Major stain on Biden’s legacy not even taking the genocide into account. He could’ve stopped everything by leveraging the arms funds to Israel. Now the democrats have to cape extra hard for an ultra right-wing government and send more ppl to die in the Middle East
he is brainded sipping gruel through a store singing danny kaye songs right now bud