I can tell y’all as a white person, I don’t rap the N word when I’m rapping along to songs ever, even if I’m alone. Just out of respect.
I do know people who do though and they give me the “well if the artist puts in in their songs, I should be able to say it” spiel.
How often does anyone actually get cancelled in hip-hop though?
Twitter is not and will never be the gatekeepers when it comes to morals in music. People really don’t give af in real life as long as it’s not too severe and 90% of the time it isn’t.
Never they couldn’t even cancel Tory
Op all over this thread trying to explain why he's not a little b****
All over the thread riding my d***. Reach for the stars p****.
I feel like this is a convo people still aren’t ready to have, not in our community at least. Niggas won’t admit how weird and toxic the genre really is. You can enjoy it while being realistic about some of its shortcomings. Like niggas will literally jump through hoops to justify the amount of violence, misogyny, and sexual exploitation that runs rampant throughout the industry. Hip Hop certainly didn’t invent violence and misogyny but it’s done little to quell it lmfao I’m not trying to excoriate anyone for either stance, I’m just saying it is what it is
All over the thread riding my d***. Reach for the stars p****.
"Reach for the stars" does not sound cool lmao you sound goofy
I feel like this is a convo people still aren’t ready to have, not in our community at least. Niggas won’t admit how weird and toxic the genre really is. You can enjoy it while being realistic about some of its shortcomings. Like niggas will literally jump through hoops to justify the amount of violence, misogyny, and sexual exploitation that runs rampant throughout the industry. Hip Hop certainly didn’t invent violence and misogyny but it’s done little to quell it lmfao I’m not trying to excoriate anyone for either stance, I’m just saying it is what it is
Real one.
Op runs through a load of awful s*** that careers have survived and then says theres a huge cancel culture in hip hop
In your opinion is domestic abuse worse than gang violence?
At least on a moral level
In your opinion is domestic abuse worse than gang violence?
At least on a moral level
gang violence is a product of niggas social and economic environments
domestic abuse is just goofy
Op runs through a load of awful s*** that careers have survived and then says theres a huge cancel culture in hip hop
Naw because there’s no difference. Shooting and taking a life is shooting and taking a life, regardless of what variables you wanna try to twist into it. Ironically, exactly like cancel culture does.
I literally just explained how its not the same so Im done arguing just know I would slap the s*** out of you if we ever crossed paths
"Reach for the stars" does not sound cool lmao you sound goofy
Wasn’t tryna sound cool p****. Jus stating to reach for the f***ing stars like KTT always does, exactly like Twitter. Lil d***rider is posting KKK pics and MAGA when I hate both and have been the main mf that wants Trump dead because of his racist bullshit (Yall love riding d*** and digging so go find all that on here too.) Out of my 3 closest actual friends, not a single one of them is white and those mfs are my brothers. F*** out my thread and suck on my d***.
Op out here trying to get cancelled
Saw that love everyone reddit thread and said f*** it
All over the thread riding my d***. Reach for the stars p****.
Found Op's twitter that he posted on here and pretended like it wasnt his
You mean beiber got YOU wylin out looking like a f***ing lame
Literally the first thing I thought of when I saw that post
Toy Story really a classic
Wasn’t tryna sound cool p****. Jus stating to reach for the f***ing stars like KTT always does, exactly like Twitter. Lil d***rider is posting KKK pics and MAGA when I hate both and have been the main mf that wants Trump dead because of his racist bullshit (Yall love riding d*** and digging so go find all that on here too.) Out of my 3 closest actual friends, not a single one of them is white and those mfs are my brothers. F*** out my thread and suck on my d***.
Bro said he wants a man dead "because of his racist bullshit" while vilifying a genre of music for having violent tendencies??
gang violence is a product of niggas social and economic environments
domestic abuse is just goofy
Na fam u could easily say the same for domestic abuse
In your opinion is domestic abuse worse than gang violence?
At least on a moral level
Not worse its just not the same
There’s a lot more reasons why someone could be in a gang that aren’t immoral like the environment, their loved ones being lost, protection, that being their only source of family or income, etc so I don’t think we should police rappers for gang banging the same way we do for domestic violence
Gang banging doesnt inherently make you a bad person, I dont feel the same about domestic abuse
I feel like this is a convo people still aren’t ready to have, not in our community at least. Niggas won’t admit how weird and toxic the genre really is. You can enjoy it while being realistic about some of its shortcomings. Like niggas will literally jump through hoops to justify the amount of violence, misogyny, and sexual exploitation that runs rampant throughout the industry. Hip Hop certainly didn’t invent violence and misogyny but it’s done little to quell it lmfao I’m not trying to excoriate anyone for either stance, I’m just saying it is what it is
yeah i agree this isn’t wrong at all, but i feel hip-hop will evolve from this at least a bit
you have to help fix/mitigate the socio-economical conditions that come before it first that foster things like this imo
things like domestic abuse and gang violence aren’t necessarily equal issues though