You too thirsty man. If you get so much p**** you shouldn’t be so pressed
100% doesnt get p**** as much as he says he does. Mans is a s***pest sociopath.
im convinced.
literally every thread and post is the same thing. its a f***ing gimmick at this point.
OP really got nothing going for him. Works retail 9-5 and sexually harasses every woman he meets
Can't wait until OP posting from jail for some sort of sexual assault
"The lessons I learned from being locked up for hooking up too quickly"
You need state sponsored therapy before you assault someone's daughter
on god I only started paying attention to life sxn this week and holy s*** u mfs so dam negative lmao
op obviously not happy w his behavior dude is obviously not standing by when he was moving in on women too fast. He has admitted that he has a poor understanding of boundaries, and wants to change that. What do you gain by piling on his ass n shaming him? You really think he needs to be told that he has problems w boundaries after he admits it to you point blank?
@op take it slow, get to know em. its hard because girls expect guys to make the first move, so waiting on them to move first usually fails. It is tricky to know when she's ready for u to make a move but an easy way to tell is idk see how she reacts to smaller lvls of physical contact. Have her over, watch a movie or some s***. Arm around her, does she snuggle against u or is she lowkey stiff? etc.
oh and pro tip, don't grab ass until after u f*** for the first time
OP really got nothing going for him. Works retail 9-5 and sexually harasses every woman he meets