  • Jun 16, 2024

    1. A fundamentally good rapper, line by line, uses common conversation expressions in new ways to effectively communicate thoughts and capture experiences that are then imbued with greater subtext by the end rhymes.

    2. Are the end rhymes unique and satisfying, while perfectly communicating a mood? Are they memorable?

    3. Do they have an authentic black American accent when they rap?

    4. Are their flows exciting to keep up with by the breath and syllable?

    These questions have to be answered in the standards across EVERY type of rap style, from @FreddieKaneTop5 core to @Melz core to @proper core

    3. Do they have an authentic black American accent when they rap?


  • Jun 16, 2024

    yes you

    you can be a sexyy red

  • Jun 17, 2024
    2 replies

    1. A fundamentally good rapper, line by line, uses common conversation expressions in new ways to effectively communicate thoughts and capture experiences that are then imbued with greater subtext by the end rhymes.

    2. Are the end rhymes unique and satisfying, while perfectly communicating a mood? Are they memorable?

    3. Do they have an authentic black American accent when they rap?

    4. Are their flows exciting to keep up with by the breath and syllable?

    These questions have to be answered in the standards across EVERY type of rap style, from @FreddieKaneTop5 core to @Melz core to @proper core

    What is @proper core for rap i mostly see him post like dance club type s***

    Also another great post

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 17, 2024

    What is @proper core for rap i mostly see him post like dance club type s***

    Also another great post

    maybe the the “zoomer” rap i post in music sxn?

    but if you think the only rap i listen to is the zoomer s*** i post in here then you are mistaken and i prolly still listen to more old/“traditional” rap in my free time than anything else. i just like sharing new music from smaller artists on ktt so most of it ends up being kinda zoomy

    this is real propercore rap

  • Jun 17, 2024

    the key is developing something that stands out more than anything and aligning the context of everything to at least create an air of believability (as stated previously itt)

    doesn’t have to be the most original thing in the world, it just has to be YOU stylistically in every single facet

    from the way you say your words to the other visual factors, etc

    you know it when you see it always


  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply

    What is @proper core for rap i mostly see him post like dance club type s***

    Also another great post

    To me propercore is like Mos Def late 90s early 2000s jazzy and thoughtful and sharp

  • Jun 17, 2024
    william cubit

    because that stuff just hits harder on those beats they use.

    different instrumentals call for different emotions, subject matters, delivery, etc. the modern sound fits best with moody/distant emotions, purposefully surface level subject matter (usually implying the artist is dealing w deeper s*** but is choosing to thug it out or cry in the mansion or however else u wanna say flex thru the pain), and nonchalant delivery.

    if u look at the lyrics outside of the context of the song of course u might say there's a better way to do this. but odds are that "better way" would not match the feel of the beat nearly as well.

    thing is, when the rapper matches the beat just right, it seems effortless and it's easy to overlook. ppl only notice when there's a disconnect. but i swear that s*** takes skill, a LOT of people can't synergize w a beat like that.

    if u want evidence for my point look how j cole did w that verse on grippy.

    some people act like any of the OG guys could do new school s*** with ease, because it's supposed to just be a dumbed down version of the old school.

    but nah it's a fully different lane that takes just as much skill/practice, just in different ways. J cole thought it was gonna be easy, now he's being s*** on by the entire internet bc of how bad he failed.

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply

    1. A fundamentally good rapper, line by line, uses common conversation expressions in new ways to effectively communicate thoughts and capture experiences that are then imbued with greater subtext by the end rhymes.

    2. Are the end rhymes unique and satisfying, while perfectly communicating a mood? Are they memorable?

    3. Do they have an authentic black American accent when they rap?

    4. Are their flows exciting to keep up with by the breath and syllable?

    These questions have to be answered in the standards across EVERY type of rap style, from @FreddieKaneTop5 core to @Melz core to @proper core

    what if it's a white rapper? does point 3 still apply

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply

    To me propercore is like Mos Def late 90s early 2000s jazzy and thoughtful and sharp

    oh lmfso

    9th wonder type beat

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply
    william cubit

    yess people worry about it but it's just rap growing as an art form. we forget how new hip hop is! it's going to be awesome seeing where the music goes over the next couple decades.


    think the declining popularity in rap currently shows a lot of people want rappers to rap

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply

    oh lmfso

    9th wonder type beat

    #properthatsmydawg not just a saying

  • Jun 17, 2024

    Niggas can say subtext and vibe and all these big words but yet why the biggest thing that caught the attention of everybody across all generations in hip hop this year was 2 lyrical rappers?

    Ktt2 for some reason has a vendetta against it, but lyrics do matter.

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply
    william cubit

    what if it's a white rapper? does point 3 still apply

    Yes that’s why white rappers have a hard time catching on

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply


    think the declining popularity in rap currently shows a lot of people want rappers to rap

    what did kendrick say abt killer mike going platinum

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply

    Yes that’s why white rappers have a hard time catching on

    true true

    what do u think abt mac n his weird voice then

  • Jun 17, 2024
    1 reply
    william cubit

    what did kendrick say abt killer mike going platinum

    As someone from Atlanta, i have a lot of takes on Killer Mike, most not positive lol.

    Musically I think brodie just been type boring since he got wit El-P. But I love ackshun killer mike (who was still lyrical btw. Man had one of the best verses on stankonia.)

    And that also doesnt explain the OVERALL declining popularity in rap coinciding with “subtext >>> lyrics” becoming popular thought

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 17, 2024

    #properthatsmydawg not just a saying

  • Jun 17, 2024
    william cubit

    true true

    what do u think abt mac n his weird voice then

    Mac actually was talented & not riding waves

  • Jun 17, 2024

    As someone from Atlanta, i have a lot of takes on Killer Mike, most not positive lol.

    Musically I think brodie just been type boring since he got wit El-P. But I love ackshun killer mike (who was still lyrical btw. Man had one of the best verses on stankonia.)

    And that also doesnt explain the OVERALL declining popularity in rap coinciding with “subtext >>> lyrics” becoming popular thought

    i think there are definitely better ways to explain the general public shifting away from rap.

    if people actually wanted more old school rapping then why is the new style so ubiquitous these days?

    ngl i only brought up killer mike to reference kendrick's point. if people actually want "real rap" then why is there no demand for it?

  • Jun 17, 2024

    "Are you checking all the boxes?"

  • Jul 30, 2024
