kamikaze is a good album, if it wasnt made by someone white you guys would like it
he went from denouncing trump to calling a gay black man the f word the second he saw revival's sales lol
well to be fair it was used in regards to tyler
kamikaze is a good album, if it wasnt made by someone white you guys would like it
Trippin on saying Kamikaze was trash
not as bad as revival of course but that's such a ridiculously low bar that people think kamikaze is good
If Kendrick made Kamikaze and called everyone out y’all would praise it
No, i’d call it Kendrick’s worst album to date
Eminem needs to make a collab album with Logic
What if i was gay part two?
not as bad as revival of course but that's such a ridiculously low bar that people think kamikaze is good
It was a great rap album, I fr don’t see the hate
No, i’d call it Kendrick’s worst album to date
But when control came out everyone but Drake stans were going crazy. Same way everyone had a reaction to his album, and then he gets MGK out of here
If Kendrick made Kamikaze and called everyone out y’all would praise it
U really think I would? Lmaooooo
A grown 40 year old man put out an album that features a plan saying "FU-2" and "SUCK IT" backwards. Amazing.
U really think I would? Lmaooooo
What’s your obsession with Em? Did he not respond to the letters you wrote back in autumn?
Em has never dropped nothing but s*** outside couple songs that are just good for nostalgia, can’t belive some people love him like that
someone with MMLP, TES, SSLP and Revival can’t have one of the worst discographies ever i’m sorry
That's why it's one of the worst ever
Em has never dropped nothing but s*** outside couple songs that are just good for nostalgia, can’t belive some people love him like that
Eminem needs to make a collab album with Logic
and then make another one and throw both them s***s into the recycle bin