actually tried listening to MMLP the other day
just couldn't do it, no real nigga gonna say Em is a wack rapper he one of the best ever by far
but fam just makes awful music lol at least to my ears
do u listen to anything other than hiphop? there’s nothing wrong with the production on Revival. Matter of fact Kanye West Stronger is legit a revival type beat.
"U hear those rock samples?? and the way he’s flowing on guitar beats. No other rapper takes risks like these"
nigga are you 12yrs old? wtf nigga never heard a rapper rap over guitars before smh so he thinks this garbage is unique.
I listen to damn near every genre. The production on Em album is f***ing trash and generic af.
someone with MMLP, TES, SSLP and Revival can’t have one of the worst discographies ever i’m sorry
man really tried sneaking Revival in there
Revival mixes rock and roll with soul and has some of Em’s most mature lyrics in his career. I deadass don’t see what’s wrong with the album.
U hear those rock samples?? and the way he’s flowing on guitar beats. No other rapper takes risks like these.
You crazy for this one
First track on Kamikaze is fire the rest were alright definitely not the worst album of the year