Probably easier to manage and reproduce. Same reason why Starfire has big curly hair in the comics but they always animate her with straight hair.
Glad to see nobody posted Deku. Most dripless character of all time with them big ass Supras
is Deku the worst Shonen protag ever? probably
is Deku the worst Shonen protag ever? probably
Literally every other character is way more interesting
Even the random heros from other grades
is Deku the worst Shonen protag ever? probably
Idk Naruto made me not finish the first episode. Dekus crying is annoying and obnoxious as f***
Hardest Sasuke design in the whole series
he looks like he'd suck your d*** for a quarter
Idk Naruto made me not finish the first episode. Dekus crying is annoying and obnoxious as f***
lmao i ain’t like Naruto that much either but damn at least he had a personality
Real af for kenshin characters
Who’s the last character
Leuvis from the goat arc of The Promised Neverland
Rose’s design in particular was way too fire cnt wait till see him say “ein heidenblein”