  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Still doesn't sound right to me, but you and I have no way of proving our respective views so let's just agree to disagree And the country is South Africa

    South Africa is not a third world country. Respectfully I don’t know how you’re trying to gauge the intentions of American doordash drivers from continents away when I’m interacting with them every day. Have made 15 orders in the last 8 days

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Third world

    I mean... what is it?

  • Apr 25, 2023

    About to make order 16

  • Apr 25, 2023
    2 replies

    I mean... what is it?

    A first world country…..

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    A first world country…..

    You can't be serious......

    There's gotta be an inbetween. Second?

    South Africa is like Turkey

    They are not first world. Have you been there?

  • Apr 25, 2023
    2 replies

    A first world country…..

    We've been having power cuts literally every single day, sometimes for up to 8 hours a day, since October One dollar is worth 18 of our currency. Kids are regularly dying in schools because their toilets are holes in the ground they fall into. If this is what first world looks like, God needs to go ahead and end it already

  • Apr 25, 2023
    2 replies

    You can't be serious......

    There's gotta be an inbetween. Second?

    South Africa is like Turkey

    They are not first world. Have you been there?

    Just looked and yes it’s actually classified as a second world you’re right. Definitely not a third world though.

    I haven’t been personally but I know a few people from South Africa who had very fruitful lives there before coming to the US

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    We've been having power cuts literally every single day, sometimes for up to 8 hours a day, since October One dollar is worth 18 of our currency. Kids are regularly dying in schools because their toilets are holes in the ground they fall into. If this is what first world looks like, God needs to go ahead and end it already

    South Africa is the country where if you don't own a fence (preferably electrified) you're "asking" to be burgled. Everytime we went there I was forbidden to walk at night

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Just looked and yes it’s actually classified as a second world you’re right. Definitely not a third world though.

    I haven’t been personally but I know a few people from South Africa who had very fruitful lives there before coming to the US

    SA also has one of the highest gini coefficients in the world. So just like this forum isn't representative of delivery app drivers, those people you know who made it out are not representative of the country as a whole

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Just looked and yes it’s actually classified as a second world you’re right. Definitely not a third world though.

    I haven’t been personally but I know a few people from South Africa who had very fruitful lives there before coming to the US

    Yeah SA is an... interesting place IMO. Felt safer in Brazil!
    Johannesburg having one of my favourite art museums in the World just shows how suspended the nation is

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    SA also has one of the highest gini coefficients in the world. So just like this forum isn't representative of delivery app drivers, those people you know who made it out are not representative of the country as a whole

    Will u show me around if I come to South Africa

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    We've been having power cuts literally every single day, sometimes for up to 8 hours a day, since October One dollar is worth 18 of our currency. Kids are regularly dying in schools because their toilets are holes in the ground they fall into. If this is what first world looks like, God needs to go ahead and end it already

    I was wrong, we were both wrong.

    It’s a second world country, if a third world country has 68% obesity for their women and a large percentage of people make a living off of delivery apps seen as a luxury to the consumer than wow the world is really making progress

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Will u show me around if I come to South Africa

    Natuurlik vriend, jy's welkom enige tyd

  • Apr 25, 2023

    Oh god they're talking their funny talk. Out

  • Apr 25, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    Natuurlik vriend, jy's welkom enige tyd

    Bedankt broer tot binnenkort misschien

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah SA is an... interesting place IMO. Felt safer in Brazil!
    Johannesburg having one of my favourite art museums in the World just shows how suspended the nation is

    What country do you live in?

  • Apr 25, 2023

    South Africa is the country where if you don't own a fence (preferably electrified) you're "asking" to be burgled. Everytime we went there I was forbidden to walk at night

    Just checked your profile to make sure and that was a wise choice GBV here is insane, it's actually heartbreaking how women are treated

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    What country do you live in?

    England, UK (pain)

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    England, UK (pain)

    What’s wrong with that? My grandma is from there, one of my sisters was born there while my dad was in the navy and he later continued to live there for some years after my parents divorced

    Seems like a nice place, big fan of the accents, slang and sites

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    What’s wrong with that? My grandma is from there, one of my sisters was born there while my dad was in the navy and he later continued to live there for some years after my parents divorced

    Seems like a nice place, big fan of the accents, slang and sites

    It's April 25th and it's rained all week
    It really dawned on me how horrid this city (London) can be outside Summer

    Are you English? Partly?
    I just know you'd have a killer memoir

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    I was wrong, we were both wrong.

    It’s a second world country, if a third world country has 68% obesity for their women and a large percentage of people make a living off of delivery apps seen as a luxury to the consumer than wow the world is really making progress

    I just looked up second world because that isn't something I heard of before. And I don't think we suit the Cold War definition or the changed definition since then tbh Just seems like a title to finesse foreign investors into giving the country money

  • Apr 25, 2023

    It's April 25th and it's rained all week
    It really dawned on me how horrid this city (London) can be outside Summer

    Are you English? Partly?
    I just know you'd have a killer memoir

    I love the rain 🥺 rainy London streets sound so nice

    I’m half Portuguese, my mom is full and lived there until her 20s until my dad met her while stationed there in the navy

    My dads side is just miscellaneous european I suppose, a part of that is English through my grandma but I don’t know anything about my biological grandpa

    Have always wanted to take a 23 and me or something but never have gotten around to it

    Elaborate on that killer memoir

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    I just looked up second world because that isn't something I heard of before. And I don't think we suit the Cold War definition or the changed definition since then tbh Just seems like a title to finesse foreign investors into giving the country money

    It’s a second world country, all this talk about it has me interested though I will watch some videos on the living conditions later

  • Apr 25, 2023

    It’s a second world country, all this talk about it has me interested though I will watch some videos on the living conditions later

    Check out Louis Theroux in Joburg, love that guy Look into the rampant corruption too, a lot of our problems are attributable to the ANC

    It's nearly 8pm, about to have no electricity for 2 hours

  • Apr 25, 2023

    Tipped my driver a dollar yesterday this tipping s*** is getting out of hand