Some of yall are gonna be so shook when your favorite artists drops and the sales aren’t what are expected
Everyone called Taylor, Ariana, and Bieber a flop not realizing this is a different era now.
Now Cole is about to do more numbers then all the pop stars. Huge W for Hip Hop.
Drake didn't have more hype though because his mixtape was only announced hours before release...
Idk bro
Drake was everywhere on social media at the time.
Toosi and Life is Good peaked at #1 and #2 and were at #3 and #12 right before the drop. thats huge
toosi slide had a whole tiktok wave
When to Say when and chicago freestyle videos just 2 months old
Pain 1993 hype reaching shaderoom and akademiks followers
Livestreams with hundreds of thousands tuning in, previewing music, talking spicy to Rihanna, s*** like that
Greece snippet going crazy
There was definitely a lot of engagement around Drake’s name at the time. you can at the very least say He was heavily present in the culture and on airwaves.
No other type of releases, engagement or social media content.
That was enough to generate more hype than Drake. It is what it is
pretty weak isn't it? feel like drake and kendrick gonna both do in the 500k range
Everyone called Taylor, Ariana, and Bieber a flop not realizing this is a different era now.
Now Cole is about to do more numbers then all the pop stars. Huge W for Hip Hop.
Yeah I’m extremely happy for Cole, especially with how the Hot 100 is gonna look like next week
every album is not gonna sell the same as long as you get the #1 that’s all that matters
I wish Drake would give a concise 10-12 track album with his usual Ross, Wayne, Hov feats
Another Nice For What, maybe a Rihanna joint, and wishful thinking but another Abel joint as well
I don’t want none of that hype for the moment bullshit like Da Baby or Moneybagg etc
Rihanna ain’t gone be on there, so that’s out the window
every album is not gonna sell the same as long as you get the #1 that’s all that matters
Especially when the billboard rules just changed as hard as they did
Its f***ing dumb to compare this to the first week for an album that came out 3 years ago or even last year
Since the billboard rules have changed, nobody has managed to crack 400k. Taylor Swift dropped an album at the end of last year and didn't sell that much. Yall swore cole was gonna be the one to do it but he wasn't. Now it's time to use some logic. Maybe s*** has actually changed
I wish Drake would give a concise 10-12 track album with his usual Ross, Wayne, Hov feats
Another Nice For What, maybe a Rihanna joint, and wishful thinking but another Abel joint as well
I don’t want none of that hype for the moment bullshit like Da Baby or Moneybagg etc
Bro I would listen to Drakes albums so much more if he shortened them down to like 12 tracks. I hope CLB is on the shorter side like NWTS.
Since the billboard rules have changed, nobody has managed to crack 400k. Taylor Swift dropped an album at the end of last year and didn't sell that much. Yall swore cole was gonna be the one to do it but he wasn't. Now it's time to use some logic. Maybe s*** has actually changed
It probably has a lot to do with it being her second album that same year
people in here talking about a demo tape with leaks and no promo sales compared to this??? crazy lol CLB doing nothing below 600k are you crazy
Yeah I only really qant to compare these sales to CLB and Utopia, even then people are gonna say this is just a preview for the fall off so it is what it is
people in here talking about a demo tape with leaks and no promo sales compared to this??? crazy lol CLB doing nothing below 600k are you crazy
I’d be surprised if CLB did 600 but I’d also be surprised if it didn’t, I really have no basis for what sales should look like anymore
Rihanna ain’t gone be on there, so that’s out the window
I don’t see why not?? They beefin?
Tell me you don’t want another “Work” etc
Even though I think that song would’ve been just as big without Drake but you get the point. They mesh well together
every album is not gonna sell the same as long as you get the #1 that’s all that matters
I’d be surprised if CLB did 600 but I’d also be surprised if it didn’t, I really have no basis for what sales should look like anymore
its drizzy he has something planned he always comes correct for a full studio “album” promo wise and everything
its drizzy he has something planned he always comes correct for a full studio “album” promo wise and everything
This is true, I remember how big views was. Idk well have to see. I think I’m honestly more curious about utopia first week tbh
I don’t see why not?? They beefin?
Tell me you don’t want another “Work” etc
Even though I think that song would’ve been just as big without Drake but you get the point. They mesh well together
If we’re only getting 10 songs one of them better not be some tropical nonsense
If it’s really a 10 track album I need like 6-7 great rap songs and 3-4 slower tracks and that’s it
And I love all drakes tropical songs