If we’re only getting 10 songs one of them better not be some tropical nonsense
If it’s really a 10 track album I need like 6-7 great rap songs and 3-4 slower tracks and that’s it
And I love all drakes tropical songs
u know drake coming with a 16 pc lol
I don’t see why not?? They beefin?
Tell me you don’t want another “Work” etc
Even though I think that song would’ve been just as big without Drake but you get the point. They mesh well together
Nah they cool but all that video and s*** I don’t see Rocky letting happen they also seem to normally collaborate when they’re messing around and besides Rihanna seems over music
u know drake coming with a 16 pc lol
Oh yeah for sure but that guy said he wanted a 10-12 track album
Honestly I don’t mind 15-20 tracks cause it means he can explore more and make a lot of different types of songs
Although I kinda expect this one to be around 15 tracks
Nah they cool but all that video and s*** I don’t see Rocky letting happen they also seem to normally collaborate when they’re messing around and besides Rihanna seems over music
Rihanna loves talking about music only to then get mad about how people only badger her about music
u know drake coming with a 16 pc lol
If its a take care level 16 piece i’ll lick the bones off each piece once i’m finished
Rihanna loves talking about music only to then get mad about how people only badger her about music
she’s so weird
Rihanna loves talking about music only to then get mad about how people only badger her about music
pop stars earn hundreds of millions singing other peoples songs and get an attitude toward the people that made them rich
pop stars earn hundreds of millions singing other peoples songs and get an attitude toward the people that made them rich
You ain’t lying
she’s so weird
I just wish she’d say she’s retiring or sum, at this point it’s like why put out believe it where you’ve only got 1 line
If we’re only getting 10 songs one of them better not be some tropical nonsense
If it’s really a 10 track album I need like 6-7 great rap songs and 3-4 slower tracks and that’s it
And I love all drakes tropical songs
Yeah I agree, but with 12 tracks I wouldn’t mind another NFW or One Dance, but just one tho lol
I just wish she’d say she’s retiring or sum, at this point it’s like why put out believe it where you’ve only got 1 line
I played that song once and never played it again. Rihanna stay disappointing
pop stars earn hundreds of millions singing other peoples songs and get an attitude toward the people that made them rich
Her team of 30 writers and producers got all the songs completely ready she just gotta sing em
Her team of 30 writers and producers got all the songs completely ready she just gotta sing em
And she refuses to do so
Her team of 30 writers and producers got all the songs completely ready she just gotta sing em
Lmao why y’all at her head
Her team of 30 writers and producers got all the songs completely ready she just gotta sing em
wonder what it sound like if she wrote her own
Her team of 30 writers and producers got all the songs completely ready she just gotta sing em
Deadass kuhz maybe she doesnt want to do the media tour again. its F*** her anyways for me. but That playing both sides ass israel/palestine statement triggered me to the core.
Idk bro
Drake was everywhere on social media at the time.
Toosi and Life is Good peaked at #1 and #2 and were at #3 and #12 right before the drop. thats huge
toosi slide had a whole tiktok wave
When to Say when and chicago freestyle videos just 2 months old
Pain 1993 hype reaching shaderoom and akademiks followers
Livestreams with hundreds of thousands tuning in, previewing music, talking spicy to Rihanna, s*** like that
Greece snippet going crazy
There was definitely a lot of engagement around Drake’s name at the time. you can at the very least say He was heavily present in the culture and on airwaves.
No other type of releases, engagement or social media content.
That was enough to generate more hype than Drake. It is what it is
Life Is Good dropped several months before and Toosie Slide already had lost steam. It didn't really have much of a tik tok wave.
You're literally reaching for old s*** he dropped months before.
And none of the s*** he was doing on livestream went crazy on social media like that. Some things did but most of it went under the mainstream audiences radar
Cole lost
Life Is Good dropped several months before and Toosie Slide already had lost steam. It didn't really have much of a tik tok wave.
You're literally reaching for old s*** he dropped months before.
And none of the s*** he was doing on livestream went crazy on social media like that. Some things did but most of it went under the mainstream audiences radar
Cole lost
Nigga those were #3 and #12 when DLDT dropped. What are you talking about. It’s time for you to hang it up 😂
Pop stars very rarely write their own hits. Look at Whitney, she ain’t write nun, Bey fake writes and gets co credits because she’s Bey etc..
It is what it is
Pop stars very rarely write their own hits. Look at Whitney, she ain’t write nun, Bey fake writes and gets co credits because she’s Bey etc..
It is what it is
That’s true Mariah wrote
Nigga those were #3 and #12 when DLDT dropped. What are you talking about. It’s time for you to hang it up 😂
DLDT was announced hours before release, hang it up
That’s true Mariah wrote
Yeah I believe she wrote good bulk of her material, she’s the exception.
Lmao why y’all at her head
I feel that way about most pop stars tbf a lot of male ones too