Born sinner is one of Coles best efforts
Imo it's one of the GOAT spring albums, personally have good memories attached to the album even if the music itself is mid
I feel like some people didn't even listen to this album when it came out, I always feel like people who strongly prefer FHD have started listening to Cole around 2014 or later
Yep, most who claim BS is mid are the ones who started listening to Cole during FHD era.
i like this song tbh dont get the hate
also hi davidp
Well, Work Out is one song, I get that it's polarizing and there's a backstory involving Nas etc. etc. I'm talking about 2007-2014 and I'll take most of the s*** he dropped during that time over anything past 2014. What Cole says isn't really important for me, artists say all kinds of weird s*** about their own music. Like Relapse is one of my favorite Eminem albums and Em f***ing despises that album. What's important for me is what I feel listening to the music, you know?
I do know
This song almost made me lose faith in Cole b I was so disappointed
But then he turned it around and dropped his first classic album Born Sinner b
Going from workout being your first single to Miss America is some real s*** b
Who Dat was his first single
It just flopped
Great song tho
Love Cole's energy on it
One of my favorites off the album
The story telling on this is impressive.
When has Ye music felt force? Only time I can see someone saying this is Yeezus but that’s it?
his last couple of albums were mad forced imo. he just seems like a gimmick artist atp
Work Out > Let Nas Down
Absolutely. He should have never even bothered to show Nas" Work Out".
I'm not davidp.
I'm not davidp.
theres only one person that would impersonate wazziot and its only davidp b
theres only one person that would impersonate wazziot and its only davidp b
I'm not impersonating Wazziot. It's just a username. I'm really not davidp.
when his music didn't feel forced
This is like his one forced song lmfao.
Classic nonetheless but nah man I dont agree with this. Still love u aLIEN❤️
I personally like it but I know it's one of his most polarizing songs. However, I think he stepped up big time on Born Sinner which remains my favorite Cole project to this day.
Facts niggas on 2014FHD d*** dont know bout Born Sinner clearly
This is like his one forced song lmfao.
Classic nonetheless but nah man I dont agree with this. Still love u aLIEN❤️
I was more referring to his early 2010s era. Sure, this particular one is far from being his best but that era was his best for me, especially BS.