  • Jan 28, 2021

    blank space, style, and wildest dreams

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    I kinda think he’s overrated

    His bleachers stuff was so so
    The fun stuff was mid apart from Some Nights which had Jeff Bhasker attached who’s incredible

    1989 is amazing but reputation is awful and lover is so so plus both folklore and evermore were also driven by The National and Bon Iver

    Melodrama is incredible but Pure Heroine was too

    Arizona Baby was eh

    NFR is great but again he’s working w an artist who’s already incredible

    I think he’s good and has great chemistry w people but I haven’t really seen any evidence of him being the driving force behind any of the classics he’s had a hand in

    you can't even give him 1989, the bulk of 1989 was shellback and max martin, he was only on 3 tracks of which 1 was a bonus track

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    you can't even give him 1989, the bulk of 1989 was shellback and max martin, he was only on 3 tracks of which 1 was a bonus track

    max martin gave the weeknd and ariana their best songs

    hardest to love


  • Jan 28, 2021

    whatever his impact on Folklore and Evermore was, if any, was cool. I think those two have a ton of cool songs. Kinda think he makes s*** sound the same tho.

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Lana Del Rey is incredible outside of NFR

    How is he not a driving force in NFR or Melodrama if he produced damn near the entirety of the albums

    Also he didn’t even produce most of Reputation, he had 2 songs where he was the main producer and 5 credits in general out of 15

    Also on Arizona Baby Kevin and Romil laid the blueprint of what that album was, Jack Antonoff just helped them flesh the ideas they already had

    He’s given Lana, Lorde, and Taylor their best work along with also being impressive on his own. Jack is not overrated

    Born to Die and Ultraviolence are both amazing

    thats valid about reputation

    personally I think that 1989, melodrama and nfr are not on a different league to any of those artists other best projects but different strokes I guess

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    If 2 people make a project, the project is good because of the both of them thats how its supposed to be

    I never said he wasn't good im saying that I haven't seen any evidence of him actually taking someone who's mid and making them great rather just creating great music with already great musicians

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    the end

    max martin gave the weeknd and ariana their best songs

    hardest to love



  • Jan 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Born to Die and Ultraviolence are both amazing

    thats valid about reputation

    personally I think that 1989, melodrama and nfr are not on a different league to any of those artists other best projects but different strokes I guess they are not, at all
    2.Melodrama sure, Lorde is amazing but what Jack did to the project was amazing whether Lorde is amazing without it or not, 1989 was better than all her albums before that except maybe Red but Id hardly say she had set the standard for herself super high at that point, and NFR is way better than her other albums

  • Jan 28, 2021

    I never said he wasn't good im saying that I haven't seen any evidence of him actually taking someone who's mid and making them great rather just creating great music with already great musicians

    Maybe he doesn’t want to work with mid artist

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Plus Lana was mid before Jack anyways, her first 2 albums were solid and cool then she dropped 2 straight duds so she serves as an example

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough they are not, at all
    2.Melodrama sure, Lorde is amazing but what Jack did to the project was amazing whether Lorde is amazing without it or not, 1989 was better than all her albums before that except maybe Red but Id hardly say she had set the standard for herself super high at that point, and NFR is way better than her other albums

    we disagree but thats fine

    but you kinda agree w me on Taylor though like I agree that red is the only project on the tier of 1989 but that is also proof that she has that ability herself as well

    like im not saying dude is bad at all hes very talented and he works really well w people but I just dont think he's in the category of being the best songwriter of the decade or producer of the decade

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Plus Lana was mid before Jack anyways, her first 2 albums were solid and cool then she dropped 2 straight duds so she serves as an example

    we're like 90% on the same page its whatever lol no point splitting hairs over the difference

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough they are not, at all
    2.Melodrama sure, Lorde is amazing but what Jack did to the project was amazing whether Lorde is amazing without it or not, 1989 was better than all her albums before that except maybe Red but Id hardly say she had set the standard for herself super high at that point, and NFR is way better than her other albums

    you're definitely in the minority for not thinking Born to Die or Ultraviolence are good/amazing, it seems the majority of lana del rey's fandom agree that they're her two best projects, not saying you're wrong in your thoughts but interesting to see someone with your views, I tend to agree with your other points though

  • Jan 28, 2021

    we disagree but thats fine

    but you kinda agree w me on Taylor though like I agree that red is the only project on the tier of 1989 but that is also proof that she has that ability herself as well

    like im not saying dude is bad at all hes very talented and he works really well w people but I just dont think he's in the category of being the best songwriter of the decade or producer of the decade

    U should say u don’t think he’s an top producer then and leave it at that bc those explanations are not good

    Why does a producer have to take a mid artist and make them be great to be a great producer, and more importantly give examples of producers who did that

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    we're like 90% on the same page its whatever lol no point splitting hairs over the difference

    We are not on the same page whatsoever

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply


    imagine? thats not ari's best! but tbh the weeknd's best is hob / gtg

    but ghostin is ari's best

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    We are not on the same page whatsoever

    you literally agreed w everything I said except Lana lmao

  • Jan 28, 2021
    Camille Golightly

    you're definitely in the minority for not thinking Born to Die or Ultraviolence are good/amazing, it seems the majority of lana del rey's fandom agree that they're her two best projects, not saying you're wrong in your thoughts but interesting to see someone with your views, I tend to agree with your other points though

    I mean within her fanbase yeah of course, and they’re good albums but nothing crazy. They’re definitely better than the 2 she followed them with but saying they’re just solid albums doesn’t feel like that hot of a take for me bc they aren’t that highly regarded overall

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    you literally agreed w everything I said except Lana lmao

    No I’m saying your points are stupid

    1.I agreed that Lorde is amazing outside of Melodrama (that’s it) that doesn’t discredit Jack’s work on that album at all, he still did an amazing job and that album very strongly supports a case for him as a top producer of the decade

    2.I didn’t agree with you on Taylor, I said the only album you could even make an argument for is Red, not that I’d make that argument. I find her music before Jack Antonoff to be mid

    3.I disagree with any of your points being a valid reason for Jack not being a top producer

    What did we agree on?

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    No I’m saying your points are stupid

    1.I agreed that Lorde is amazing outside of Melodrama (that’s it) that doesn’t discredit Jack’s work on that album at all, he still did an amazing job and that album very strongly supports a case for him as a top producer of the decade

    2.I didn’t agree with you on Taylor, I said the only album you could even make an argument for is Red, not that I’d make that argument. I find her music before Jack Antonoff to be mid

    3.I disagree with any of your points being a valid reason for Jack not being a top producer

    What did we agree on?

    ok so first off ive mainly been talking about songwriting not producing on this because op said best songwriter of the decade

    in terms of pop production sure jack antonoff is one of the best of the decade im happy to say that

    in terms of songwriting
    1. lorde being one of the best songwriters in the world does discredit his songwriting to an extent on that project. we don't know the scope of contributions by each and the fact that Lorde has proven herself to be at such an elite level on her debut makes me feel that her songwriting would've been excellent regardless of jack antonoffs involvement

    2. red is pretty widely regarded as better than 1989 and not only that but you use the argument that he only had 5 credits on reputation to dismiss that but ignore that he only had 2 credits on 1989 standard edition

    and in regard to one of ur earlier posts both born to die and ultraviolence are extremely well regarded - a lot of rhetoric around NFR was that the critical praise was to make up for panning those two albums at release

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply
    the end

    imagine? thats not ari's best! but tbh the weeknd's best is hob / gtg

    but ghostin is ari's best

    ari w Max Martin is great

    weeknd w Max Martin is not even remotely close to his best work

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    ari w Max Martin is great

    weeknd w Max Martin is not even remotely close to his best work

    hardest to love is the only song i go back to after hours was ight.

  • Jan 28, 2021
    the end

    hardest to love is the only song i go back to after hours was ight.

    its top half on after hours which is his 4th best project lol

    there are very very few people who would put any Max Martin weeknd song in his top 10

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    ok so first off ive mainly been talking about songwriting not producing on this because op said best songwriter of the decade

    in terms of pop production sure jack antonoff is one of the best of the decade im happy to say that

    in terms of songwriting
    1. lorde being one of the best songwriters in the world does discredit his songwriting to an extent on that project. we don't know the scope of contributions by each and the fact that Lorde has proven herself to be at such an elite level on her debut makes me feel that her songwriting would've been excellent regardless of jack antonoffs involvement

    2. red is pretty widely regarded as better than 1989 and not only that but you use the argument that he only had 5 credits on reputation to dismiss that but ignore that he only had 2 credits on 1989 standard edition

    and in regard to one of ur earlier posts both born to die and ultraviolence are extremely well regarded - a lot of rhetoric around NFR was that the critical praise was to make up for panning those two albums at release

    Nah bro u literally said he wasn’t in the best producers category which is why I’m replying to your post

    1.doesn’t matter, talking about him as a producer

    2.that’s why i said i give credit for red but i was just specifying that giving credit doesn’t mean i personally agree, and that’s a valid point on 1989

    And as far as the Lana thing, no they are not highly regarded in general. I mean her fans like them but I rarely see just casual people bringing them up outside of Urban Outfitters nostalgia for Born To Die, and not like this s*** really matters but they didn’t really get any critical acclaim or placements on any decade list no real signs of any significance besides it earning her a cult fanbase which is fine. NFR being make up for the reviews of the first 2 doesn’t even make sense (i also didn’t really see a lot of people saying that) bc she released 2 albums inbetween those. NFR is just a better album

  • Jan 28, 2021
    mr get dough

    Nah bro u literally said he wasn’t in the best producers category which is why I’m replying to your post

    1.doesn’t matter, talking about him as a producer

    2.that’s why i said i give credit for red but i was just specifying that giving credit doesn’t mean i personally agree, and that’s a valid point on 1989

    And as far as the Lana thing, no they are not highly regarded in general. I mean her fans like them but I rarely see just casual people bringing them up outside of Urban Outfitters nostalgia for Born To Die, and not like this s*** really matters but they didn’t really get any critical acclaim or placements on any decade list no real signs of any significance besides it earning her a cult fanbase which is fine. NFR being make up for the reviews of the first 2 doesn’t even make sense (i also didn’t really see a lot of people saying that) bc she released 2 albums inbetween those. NFR is just a better album

    best producers and best pop producers are different I still probably wouldn't say hes one of the best producers as a whole of the decade

    1. ok well sure

    agree to disagree on lana. born to die was on 7 decade end lists, Ultraviolence was on 4 snd NFR was on 12

    sure NFR was better received and honestly I probably agree its a marginally better project than either of them but both of those projects are still held in extremely high regard as well