Don’t think this needed drums
JayZ + DaBaby =
Jail + Drums =
yeah i always said they just need to combine jay and baby
drums idk
When will people realize that adding things to a song can also take away from it drastically
This is mid tier at best w drums
Sounds awful
They should’ve taken that Phil Collins style drum fill out if they’re gonna keep the drums going
Having that fill hit every single time is messy and terrible. There’s a reason songs don’t have drum fills at the end of every single bar lmfao
Everyone in the replies telling him how trash it is, love to see it
He’s retweeting a lot of the replies saying no drums, I think we’re fine lol
He’s retweeting a lot of the replies saying no drums, I think we’re fine lol
Sounds awful
They should’ve taken that Phil Collins style drum fill out if they’re gonna keep the drums going
Having that fill hit every single time is messy and terrible. There’s a reason songs don’t have drum fills at the end of every single bar lmfao
yeah very tacky
People listen to radio in 2021?
I really had to cut back when it was drake non stop back to back to back around 2015/2016
Personally f*** with the idea of drums being added. Hopefully they sound organic and are placed well, but I don’t think it will take anything away from the original to have a Verizon out with drums