Oh so he mad that he ended up getting known as the Godspeed guy and it’s not his own song, got it
Holy s*** you’re f***ing brainless
Artist that's music isn't getting much traction anymore; blames it on the industry and current state of pop culture.
First time we heard of that for sure!
It’s insane you came to this conclusion because this idea wasn’t even implied in James’s original post
Artist that's music isn't getting much traction anymore; blames it on the industry and current state of pop culture.
First time we heard of that for sure!
Bro… re-read James Blake’s quote
What’s the solution to this? Consumers need to support artists through other means than streaming them?
I agree wit most of what hes saying except that artists not being paid well for streaming is the fault of greedy businesses.
Its actually the result of lazy, cheap music listeners who dont want to pay for music.
Spotify aint even profitable. If they could charge more and people would pay, they could pay out artists better but nobody tryna spend 100 bucks a month on a spotify account
Even tho back in the day, people used to spend way more on buying CDs and records
I mean they prolly should've done something when all of this started way before idk what they want now.
Artist that's music isn't getting much traction anymore; blames it on the industry and current state of pop culture.
First time we heard of that for sure!
James’ rant has reverberated across the whole artist community, and this is the kind of takeaway your myopic-ass could up with? Jesus.
Streaming was only a band-aid for the mediafire era, for the industry to remain sustainable we always had to move on or pay more at some point
And if the money is moving back to labels they do need to do more in terms of artist investment instead of leeching off of fads for a quick buck over and over doing long term damage
Not to get too in the weeds but it is really weird that music has become “top of funnel” marketing. It’s basically a***ogous to those “free” PDFs scumbags make you sign up with your email for. Pretty depressing that’s what it’s come to.
Not to get too in the weeds but it is really weird that music has become “top of funnel” marketing. It’s basically a***ogous to those “free” PDFs scumbags make you sign up with your email for. Pretty depressing that’s what it’s come to.
You get 10 million streams and your cut is minimum wage. Streaming devalued it
I mean they prolly should've done something when all of this started way before idk what they want now.
in they defense nobody saw it getting this bad.
and streaming was supposed to be an answer to people bootlegging heavy.
As someone raised on liner notes, I would 100% love to just go out to get physicals again. I still have the macbook with the cd adapter.
the problem is, where's the profit
You get 10 million streams and your cut is minimum wage. Streaming devalued it
Idk if you’re missing what I’m saying. Musics become something you give away for free for the attention in return.. which you then monetize in other ways. I’m not saying that’s good, it just is
Idk if you’re missing what I’m saying. Musics become something you give away for free for the attention in return.. which you then monetize in other ways. I’m not saying that’s good, it just is
I'm just saying you have to do that if you want to make a living
if music ever goes the AI route then it’ll probably be some sort of mood mixes that makes music on the fly, why even create a fake persona
at the same time at least rap is always on constant revolution of the genre so can AI even compete with that?
i don’t think people would willingly listen to AI music with zero human input but fosho instrumental genres are cooked jazz, lofi, scores, etc
Your last point is…like a super huge thing to just brush off bro lol
As someone raised on liner notes, I would 100% love to just go out to get physicals again. I still have the macbook with the cd adapter.
the problem is, where's the profit
I still get physicals. It’s always a cool experience opening up a new CD out the package
Ain’t nobody making tik toks with Tyler’s music 😂 why he speaking on it
Maybe cause he’s also a fan of music?
This is rich coming from James Blake lol, you can sum up his discography pretty well in the length of a tiktok. Your whole discography sounds like a 15 second clip repeating so what’s the issue
22, now 23 replies. I know niggas were all up in your ass lol
Genuinely racking my brain. I know I'm super removed as a giant music nerd but the way the avg tiktok user consumes music could never make sense to me; it's hyper-commercialized, saran-wrapped ready-to-eat sound bites that are almost anti-art and like Blake said no one benefits off of.
Genuinely racking my brain. I know I'm super removed as a giant music nerd but the way the avg tiktok user consumes music could never make sense to me; it's hyper-commercialized, saran-wrapped ready-to-eat sound bites that are almost anti-art and like Blake said no one benefits off of.
However in the same breath, Blake tweets stuff like this so...