Producers for the first disc shawty red on it 🔥 🔥 Blood Raw from Jeezy old group produced a track?
Producers for the first disc shawty red on it 🔥 🔥 these are everyone he’s had issues with that he used to be cool with
Does anyone know what Justice League has been doing the past few years? Always liked their beats back in like 2012 but feel like I never hear em anymore
A whole JUSTICE League side is either gonna sound refreshing or boring and dated. They've always been good for one or two tracks on an album, but producing a whole album?
We'll see
Does this really have no features or did he just not include them on the tracklist?
Does this really have no features or did he just not include them on the tracklist?
There's no features at all. This album is all him.
Snofall had the worst justice league production of their career however
Snofall was fire
A whole JUSTICE League side is either gonna sound refreshing or boring and dated. They've always been good for one or two tracks on an album, but producing a whole album?
We'll see
I used to find justice league repetitive but now I find myself missing their drums.
I used to find justice league repetitive but now I find myself missing their drums.
I always remember J.League beats feeling the rap equivalent of a long ballad on most albums back then. Aston Martin Music is 100% the best example of what im talking about.