  • cole breezy

    Wtf does Ariana have to do with any of that?

    They catered to Ariana despite them both being stars on the same show. They never let her get her chance to outgrow the show

  • Nov 17, 2022
    3 replies

    Nothing wrong with her being jealous of Ariana's success especially since she got more freedom than her while they worked on the same show for years. I respect the authenticity vs saying some fake humble bullshit

    Why would you respect somebody for being jealous? Especially when it’s clear as day who worked harder and had more talent between the two. Both Jeanette and Ariana have made music and it’s clear as day who put more work in

  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Why would you respect somebody for being jealous? Especially when it’s clear as day who worked harder and had more talent between the two. Both Jeanette and Ariana have made music and it’s clear as day who put more work in

    They were children It's not like they could quit and do their own thing without their parents getting involved

  • Nov 17, 2022

    She also dissed my hometown

    You swear like Garden Grove is the f***ing bottom of the barrel or something, Jennette. Its nothing amazing but its a whatever lil place where a wide range of middle to lower class folk live. Not a crazy amount of gang activity or other crime. Its just whatever. Nothing to brag about but doesn't warrant that salty ass attitude

    What an annoying clip

    I LIVE THERE TOO SHE ACTED LIKE IT WAS THE GHETTO Lots of regular ass middle class people eating poke bowls and whatnot, no one even calls it Garbage Grove

  • Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Maybe if Jennette was half as talented as Ariana she wouldn’t be writing novels about how she didn’t get what she wanted


  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Why would you respect somebody for being jealous? Especially when it’s clear as day who worked harder and had more talent between the two. Both Jeanette and Ariana have made music and it’s clear as day who put more work in

    Ariana had 100x times more freedom to do what she wanted, not the talent she was jealous she was able to actually do what she wanted, whereas Jennette was abused at work and at home, physical, sexually and mentally

  • Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Wtf does Ariana have to do with any of that?

    nigga watch the video. you sound like a dumbass

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Ariana had 100x times more freedom to do what she wanted, not the talent she was jealous she was able to actually do what she wanted, whereas Jennette was abused at work and at home, physical, sexually and mentally

  • Nov 17, 2022

    It's like when y'all log onto ktt you lose all sense of logic

  • Nov 17, 2022

    this is a bad look
    the ariana stans are not gonna like it

    how is it a bad look? i think its a pretty honest account of her feelings at the time.

    she was jealous of her and she admits that. people would honestly prefer if she just said some fake s*** smh

  • Nov 17, 2022

    The only reason this is a bad look is cause the writing is hacky, but if that’s how she felt, that’s how she felt

  • cole breezy

    Maybe if Jennette was half as talented as Ariana she wouldn’t be writing novels about how she didn’t get what she wanted

    Jennette is twice the actress that Ariana was you can watch the show and see for yourself. You should listen to what she actually says before you speak. She's not mad at Ariana it's Nickelodeon who were treating her unfairly and she's said before that's not Ariana's fault it's the higher up executives. Her novel barely mentions Ariana it's about her life growing up

  • Jennette keeping it real and that's respectable. The honesty is rare in Hollywood and Nickelodeon where everyone has to be fake nice and act like everything is ok behind the scenes when we all know how f***ed up it is. Glad she didn't take Nickelodeon hush money and is exposing them for their bad treatment

  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Valid feelings.

    She was taken advantage of and abused, it’s not crazy to see why she’d feel jealous of Ariana’s career flexibility while being held back.

  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Ariana Grande made Dangerous Woman, Sweetener, thank u next, and Positions back to back to back to back. that’s an amazing run probably the best in pop in the 21st century. that has nothing to do with this thread but isn’t that amazing

  • Nov 17, 2022

    That place a s***hole LMFAO this nigga repping garden Grove

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Ariana Grande made Dangerous Woman, Sweetener, thank u next, and Positions back to back to back to back. that’s an amazing run probably the best in pop in the 21st century. that has nothing to do with this thread but isn’t that amazing


  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Aye it’s Ari stans on here

  • Nov 17, 2022

    she sounds hungry . she need to drop a tape


  • proper 🔩
    Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Wtf does Ariana have to do with any of that?

  • Nov 17, 2022

    the way child actors brains get warped is unconscionable tbh life ruining sht

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Valid feelings.

    She was taken advantage of and abused, it’s not crazy to see why she’d feel jealous of Ariana’s career flexibility while being held back.

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Aye it’s Ari stans on here

    it's Garden Grove stans on here

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Anybody here read her book?

  • Nov 17, 2022

    she sounds hungry . she need to drop a tape
