  • Nov 17, 2022

    She also dissed my hometown

    You swear like Garden Grove is the f***ing bottom of the barrel or something, Jennette. Its nothing amazing but its a whatever lil place where a wide range of middle to lower class folk live. Not a crazy amount of gang activity or other crime. Its just whatever. Nothing to brag about but doesn't warrant that salty ass attitude

    What an annoying clip

    What she say about GG

    Post that sublime song

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Ariana music not gonna hit the same now that I know she never been through the struggle

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Damn I didn’t know Ariana was 29 I always thought she was born 96-97

  • Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Feels to me like she can (rightfully) expose her mother and Dan Schneider for being sick f***s while also not mentioning Ariana is all I’m saying

    The fact they treated Ariana better is relevant to what was going on at nick though

  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    so tone deaf man lol.

    grown man.

    Blame OP for his misleading ass title. Had to squeeze this thread in music section somehow

  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply
    cole breezy

    Blame OP for his misleading ass title. Had to squeeze this thread in music section somehow

    can't blame @op too much that's literally the title of the video.

    he could add context though.

  • Nov 17, 2022
    1 reply

    can't blame @op too much that's literally the title of the video.

    he could add context though.

    Clickbait ass title then.

    Sounds to me like it’s actually about Nickelodeon’s behavior.

  • Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Clickbait ass title then.

    Sounds to me like it’s actually about Nickelodeon’s behavior.

    if you watched the video that's exactly what it is lmao.

    don't know why you had to turn it into an "ari better" conversation weirdo lol

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Maybe if Jennette was half as talented as Ariana she wouldn’t be writing novels about how she didn’t get what she wanted

    Maybe if you read the novel you wouldn’t make a half assed comment like this when it couldn’t be further from the truth

  • Nov 17, 2022
    2 replies

    She has to be the saltiest child actor of all time.

    Understandably it was difficult, but on god she always hatin.

  • Nov 17, 2022

    She has to be the saltiest child actor of all time.

    Understandably it was difficult, but on god she always hatin.

    What's it about this site that attracts morons of legend?

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Feels to me like she can (rightfully) expose her mother and Dan Schneider for being sick f***s while also not mentioning Ariana is all I’m saying

    She’s telling the full story and that’s part of the story. That’s her being honest about her experience with Ariana and it’s valid. When you grow up poor and you’re having to use all your money to support your family meanwhile your co worker is treated like royalty, allowed to do whatever, and has everything handed to her. You are 100% going to feel some type of way after awhile. The jealousy is valid. Her talking about brings up a valid conversation about class differences, privilege, etc

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Nov 17, 2022

    She has to be the saltiest child actor of all time.

    Understandably it was difficult, but on god she always hatin.

    What is she salty about that isn’t justified? Y’all keep making it seem like she’s being a random hater when she isn’t

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Nov 17, 2022

    As someone who has actually read the book some of these replies are annoying af because y’all lack a lot of context and are just mad for no reason

  • Nov 17, 2022

    Not clicking. What she said

    She explained she was jealous at Ariana while filming Sam & Cat because they let Ariana do her music and shows and during iCarly and Sam & Cat they didn’t let Jennette do movies and other projects

    Also she was jealous of Ariana’s wealthy upbringing and the fact that the “Sam” focused show was turned into “Sam & Cat”

    There was originally going to be a Sam show where she would be a youth counselor but they decided to make it a babysitter show with Cat

  • Nov 17, 2022
    cole breezy

    Feels to me like she can (rightfully) expose her mother and Dan Schneider for being sick f***s while also not mentioning Ariana is all I’m saying

    She shared her life story and feelings at the time I think that’s interesting and adds to the context

    I don’t think she said Ariana was mean to her or wrong for doing all these things she was just jealous that she got more successful and was allowed to do more

  • Mar 27, 2023


    Sad to hear. But yea she’s still cute

  • Mar 27, 2023

    She looks older here. Still looks young both now and then but it almost looks like a different person

    She need blue eyes