regardless if you agree with kenig's opinions, i think they represent the diversity of this website, as one vocal end of a spectrum in terms of takes, and there are others on the ends of other spectrums in terms of takes on here such that when they interact, it makes for an entertaining conversation. i think ktt2 would be a bit boring if everybody always had the same takes and agreed with each other on everything music-wise. no matter how much i disagree with kenig’s posts, i consider kenig one of the staple posters on here
Who liked this S***?
yall have a entire forum collective going where u add Certified Lover Boy to your name. simmer down
Confusing Stanbases m8
You are genuinely one of the most annoying posters I’ve ever come across on this site. Not once have I read a post of yours and thought “hey this is a good post id love to see more from them”. Nope always dogshit, holier than thou tier garbage. You make me hate Twin Peaks too.
What have u been hearing from the Christians
They’ll be the first ones to judge me
Make it feel like nobody love me
joe budden podcast looks like the new york version of guardians of the galaxy
Guardians of the dust
joe budden podcast looks like the new york version of guardians of the galaxy
great value "the boys"
joe budden podcast looks like the new york version of guardians of the galaxy
No one:
Joe Budden:
Shoutout @FrostyFlakez
joe budden podcast looks like the new york version of guardians of the galaxy
OP thread got derailed
He also did this during JIK era
Sheesh imagine having the cojones to display such vulnerable emotion to the public eye !
OP thread got derailed
welcome to
joe budden podcast looks like the new york version of guardians of the galaxy
please get these misogynists out of my thread.