I'm probably voting for Biden but don't act like it's just one issue where leftists don't agree with Biden it's practically every issue
Like how are you not going to have universal health care and legal weed on your platform in 2020
Not to mention the other horrendous things he's done
Biden isn't entitled to any votes
Y’all need to stop acting like Trumps not gunna win
Wym? Do you pay attention to politics?
Wym? Do you pay attention to politics?
theres enough idiots both in the population and in the DNC for him to win
Maybe it's the Democratic Party's fault instead of the voters if Biden loses
if Biden loses im not wasting energy being mad at Trump or his followers
itd be the DNCs fault for being so incompetent that they lost to him twice lmao
What I hate most about white liberals is rather then let Joe get s*** on and acknowledge the racist s*** he says y'all have to bring Trump up and make it seem like because people are criticizing him that means they aren't voting for him.
Just say "shut up blacks" and keep it rolling cause that's what it feels like when y'all do this.
Saving this for November
If you think Biden has no chance you’re misinformed. Republicans are currently fighting an uphill battle
I'm probably voting for Biden but don't act like it's just one issue where leftists don't agree with Biden it's practically every issue
Like how are you not going to have universal health care and legal weed on your platform in 2020
Not to mention the other horrendous things he's done
Biden isn't entitled to any votes
The platform hasn't been decided.
Nonetheless universal health care will be on it, as it has been on every DNC platform for the last 50 odd years.
Legalization is not gonna be there correct. But decriminalisation and expunging of records will be.
The platform hasn't been decided.
Nonetheless universal health care will be on it, as it has been on every DNC platform for the last 50 odd years.
Legalization is not gonna be there correct. But decriminalisation and expunging of records will be.
M4A is a specific policy. Universal healthcare is the greater framework which has never left the table.
M4A is a specific policy. Universal healthcare is the greater framework which has never left the table.
Nobody advocating for a "public option" is serious about it
Nobody advocating for a "public option" is serious about it
Of course they are. They're more serious given they clearly recognise the difficulty of passing such a narrowly defined M4A policy, and the potential detriment in commiting to that on their platform.
Of course they are. They're more serious given they clearly recognise the difficulty of passing such a narrowly defined M4A policy, and the potential detriment in commiting to that on their platform.
You’re giving Democrats way too much credit tbh
We could’ve had Bernie smh boomers
Problem with Ye tho is he def doesn’t address Trump’s racism and anti immigrant stances. It’s obvious he’s just picking at Biden and not both
He kinda already addressed his racism. Hes said that hed rather work with someone thats openly racist than someone that talks does it behind your back
You’re giving Democrats way too much credit tbh
You're underestimating the effort and push/pull that goes into implementing such a policy. Especially when you factor in the necessity of bipartisan support and needing to maintain momentum in future elections to prevent Republican rollbacks.