Call a man big(ger)
having another man as your username and avy
having another man as your username and avy
Knowing my profile picture is of a man
Checking to see if someone is a man
SPECIFICALLY seeking out men
Knowing my profile picture is of a man
Checking to see if someone is a man
SPECIFICALLY seeking out men
wait what
you know he's a man too
How tf Rogan podcast worth 100 mill
He has some interesting topics and guests but that s*** is no where worth that much
Because he’s the number one podcast with nearly every demographic that listens to podcasts
All this rogan s*** gonna blow over in a month or so
Nah, part of the reason people are trying to cancel him now is because he’s only getting bigger. They don’t want him to be apart of the next election cycle.
It’s going to be a political back and forth for awhile I think.
That letter is so cringe, acting like a podcast is gonna save the world
Some of these antiwoke types just be LARPing lmao