There were some bad pics of Kim while she was pregnant too
The difference is Kim has good pics
He being dumb as s***. If you want to disavow Kanye’s behavior go ahead but don’t act like y’all were never close friends.
Y'all are probably the same mfs that be complaining Ye only has "yes men" around him
Nah not at all infact I always liked that he stuck with John and Push and them even Kim because they so harshly disagree.
The difference is Kim has good pics
Put it like this: if chrissy was naked and asking for it, none of these beta males are turning her down
Had this quote come out during the Pablo tour Kanye would've went off on him.
Had this quote come out during the Pablo tour Kanye would've went off on him.
dudes would never dream of saying something like this from 2012-2016 bro, ye would f***ing snap
Kanye won't conform
so they take the ones he help create and give them the fortune and fame in exchange for ...
Omg you’ve hit the mark this perfect.
Meanwhile losers ITT trying to protect her. Save her...
i swear ever since sacramento people are trying to kick kanye while hes down and its f***ed up
glad he knows who the real ones are. Push, cudi, etc
Lol this kid’s mad I made him look dumb in another thread last week.
Been waiting by the screen for his revenge and he got it!
Adorable that you took the time to crop it all nice and upload it to your Imagur too. I feel so stupid 😢
So everyone turning on Kanye and using his name for clout?
They gon’ regret that when Kanye makes his eventual comeback...
Lowkey if something happens to Ye John legend going to be apart of the documentary saying I knew he was gone off the deep end.
This especially a lame like Legend
Didn't he cap for him super hard like last year or so when Kanye really got on his Trump s***? Idk if it was him or Ye who posted screenshots too where John was all "it's all love I understand!"
Worst part of all this is that it means we gonna get more of mid ass Ty$ on Ye songs