So everyone turning on Kanye and using his name for clout?
They gon’ regret that when Kanye makes his eventual comeback...
I wish Ye could make a comeback just to show ppl but honestly I’m giving up
John legend is not even the culture he’s worse he’s a f***ing sell out
First Michael Jackson and now Kanye y’all surprised dudes a f***ing square and his wife’s face looks like a cabbage patch kid
bruh is lame as f***
Lol this kid’s mad I made him look dumb in another thread last week.
Been waiting by the screen for his revenge and he got it!
Adorable that you took the time to crop it all nice and upload it to your Imagur too. I feel so stupid 😢
Good....Kanye doesn’t need the dead weight bringing him down. John Legend can take his liberal ass back to his flat booty woMAN.
they had know each other for 20+ years imagine if kanye said him and john legend were never closest friends lmao he isnt stupid like that. john is a proven fishhead who would throw his back on people for thinking differently, whatever their history is
If you guys really knew the truth about John Roger Stephens and his alien looking "supermodel" wife
chrissy teigen
the f*** is walnut sauce
she using s***slaves?
He’s distancing himself. You’re in an industry creating music. Not every relationship is going to be friendship based. So just have the balls to say you disagree with him.
pusha would never do something like this and this are facts
Push is literally the only real one in Kanyes circle besides childhood friends
Of the two men mentioned...
One does reality tv
One leads a 3 billion dollar company and created a church
Push is literally the only real one in Kanyes circle besides childhood friends
Dame too but dame not really in his circle fr
Of the two men mentioned...
One does reality tv
One leads a 3 billion dollar company and created a church
"No I can't be dancing with the Stars"
Lol this kid’s mad I made him look dumb in another thread last week.
Been waiting by the screen for his revenge and he got it!
Adorable that you took the time to crop it all nice and upload it to your Imagur too. I feel so stupid 😢
Lol this kid’s mad I made him look dumb in another thread last week.
Been waiting by the screen for his revenge and he got it!
Adorable that you took the time to crop it all nice and upload it to your Imagur too. I feel so stupid 😢
i like john but this some bullshit. dude wouldn’t even have a career if it wasn’t for kanye.
John about to unfriend Kanye On Facebook then post “ cleaned my friends list if you are reading this congrats we are close”
Kanye really about to make a Dark Fantasy 2 huh, another backhanded apology classic incoming.
All the Mexican children in cages rejoiced . “ did you hear did you hear“ said Pablo . No said Javier . “ John legend is no longer friends with Kanye we shall soon be free “