are you guys dumb? if i was famous and one of my old friends was out here making himself look stupid of course i would try to distance myself. kanye didn't just say he hated pizza, he's openly endorsing one of the most hated men in the world because he likes his "energy"
So what. The real problem aint Ye endorsing Trump, it's the public caring so much about what Ye thinks about Trump in the first place.
And Legend was out here endorsing Hillary "lock these niggas up" Clinton. And the nigga wouldnt be where he was without Ye, let's be real
If I were an loser then I’d think she’s hot. Where is your logic with this, kid?
a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a s***life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude.
You’re 100% an loser
him saying they were never really great friends makes me sad.. not sure if i was tricked by the perception or if john is a piece of s***
Yeah well John legend your only good music is with Ye so stfu.
And what’s with this wack Chrissy “she’s not hot” bullshit. I don’t personally think she’s that attractive but it doesn’t invalidate her hustle. My girlfriend bought her cookbooks too and they’re crazy legit
Man's full of s***. Ye posted the texts of him telling him to backtrack the MAGA stuff or else. He didn't want his friend (at the time) to be a trump supporter.
a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a s***life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude.
You’re 100% an loser
Nothing in that paragraph pertains to me, kid.
I’m more than open to exchanging Instagrams for confirmation if you want?
Nothing in that paragraph pertains to me, kid.
I’m more than open to exchanging Instagrams for confirmation if you want?
“ I don’t mind this turning into a Chrissy Teigen hate thread.
The b**** is not hot and that’s final. Her face is that of just a generic Asian girl. She has no ass and barely and t***. Anything physical you MIGHT be able to argue she has is completely irrelevant due to her terrible. Personality feminine in all the wrong ways.
Please stop gassing this b**** up. She already ruined Jon Legend. Don’t let her ruin you too”
“ I don’t mind this turning into a Chrissy Teigen hate thread.
The b**** is not hot and that’s final. Her face is that of just a generic Asian girl. She has no ass and barely and t***. Anything physical you MIGHT be able to argue she has is completely irrelevant due to her terrible. Personality feminine in all the wrong ways.
Please stop gassing this b**** up. She already ruined Jon Legend. Don’t let her ruin you too”
The b**** is ugly and that's just a fact. Stay mad that she ain't s***
“ I don’t mind this turning into a Chrissy Teigen hate thread.
The b**** is not hot and that’s final. Her face is that of just a generic Asian girl. She has no ass and barely and t***. Anything physical you MIGHT be able to argue she has is completely irrelevant due to her terrible. Personality feminine in all the wrong ways.
Please stop gassing this b**** up. She already ruined Jon Legend. Don’t let her ruin you too”
Answer the last question I asked and stop dodging the proposal.
Answer the last question I asked and stop dodging the proposal.
Instagram doesn’t change your views on women
Instagram doesn’t change your views on women
Haha. Nice escape, kid.
Let me know when you’re ready.
He was just hanging wit him and calling him his brother
Mannnnn John a gangster bro
He was just hanging wit him and calling him his brother
don't know how people cant see how corny this is