dirty as hell
John Legend was the most cold nigga in GOOD Music can't believe it.
He really spit in that nigga face just now I'm in tears I'm laughing so hard bro.
He could be telling the truth. Maybe they weren't the closest of friends.. Maybe it was just work.
But JL made his best music when he was with Kanye. Get Lifted and to a lesser extent his stuff on TCD is really why he became respected, and he still hasn't touched those Get Lifted tracks imo. He toured with Ye too during TCD and he was still collaborating with him on and off until the early 2010s so they must have been close musically at least. And even if John doesn't see that as friendship, surely it still makes them 'close'. .
And even if he never felt they were 'close friends', he would have acted like they were in an interview only a few years ago
a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a s***life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude.
You’re 100% an loser
Lmao man this guy is a sociology major!
Lowkey if something happens to Ye John legend going to be apart of the documentary saying I knew he was gone off the deep end.
john wild
So what. The real problem aint Ye endorsing Trump, it's the public caring so much about what Ye thinks about Trump in the first place.
And Legend was out here endorsing Hillary "lock these niggas up" Clinton. And the nigga wouldnt be where he was without Ye, let's be real
People only care because kanye has stans that look up to him and while he is obviously onliy in support of trump for publicity, some people might actually believe his we are the world positive vibes bullshit.
john has no obligation to be friends with kanye forever. they had a business relationship just because two people work well together doesn't make them the closest of friends.
Man he sang at Ye wedding,Kanye helped him make his name literally and Kanye was just at his party this year.
This def wild they were clearly friends
Lol aye idk those niggas so I can’t really call it
Can’t lie though this nigga John Legnd funny asl for that. Dude would probably never say that to Ye irl but put it out there in a Vanity Fair interview lmao
Damn, f*** John Legend for this foreal
Snake ass b**** with his sewer rat looking ass face
Damn, f*** John Legend for this foreal
Snake ass b**** with his sewer rat looking ass face
Mans is better looking than his wife tbh
Yeah well John legend your only good music is with Ye so stfu.
And what’s with this wack Chrissy “she’s not hot” bullshit. I don’t personally think she’s that attractive but it doesn’t invalidate her hustle. My girlfriend bought her cookbooks too and they’re crazy legit
People only care because kanye has stans that look up to him and while he is obviously onliy in support of trump for publicity, some people might actually believe his we are the world positive vibes bullshit.
john has no obligation to be friends with kanye forever. they had a business relationship just because two people work well together doesn't make them the closest of friends.
Doesn't make this any less corny. and he's not doing this out of any sense of morality. It's just to save face.
You could find a bad picture of any girl on the planet
This is legit the second pic on Google of her
can we get and :meek: back king
Damn y'all going wild with the loser post and drake stans/Ye haters coming into to derail with y'all....