  • Oct 12, 2024

    The right clown is going to win

  • Oct 12, 2024

    Found a great take on the movie online:

    I think this film does a great job of honouring fans who “got” what the first movie was trying to say while pissing off those who instead decided to idolize Fleck like the mob at the end of the first movie.

    The sequel revolves around the idea of the shadow of the Joker growing too large for Fleck to handle; it swallows him whole. This is alluded to in the end of the first movie and in the stellar animated start of this film.

    The film even includes the song “We three (my echo, my shadow, and me)”, presenting the central dichotomy. Trichotomy?

    Who is Arthur? Is he this looming shadow, this darker force? Is he the legacy that his violent actions reverberate? Or is he simply a nobody, a forgotten man who’s slipped through the ever widening cracks of a neglectful, cold, society?

    I think the musical numbers really drive these themes home especially the court room scene .

    Throughout the sequel, we see him exploited. By the prison guards who use him for entertainment. From the protesters and terrorists who use him to push their agenda. And by Quinn, who uses him to reach for grandeur and share her delusions with (where the title comes in) and drops him the instant he no longer lives up to his shadow.

    It’s a critique on how society perpetuates violence through sensationalism, romanticism, sexualisation, and mythos. On Columbiners. On losers. On fascists.

    It’s a critique on itself, on how it as a mega successful box office hit, glorified the Joker’s flagrant violence so much that many forgot about the broken, downcast Fleck. And in the end, Fleck is killed by someone who will live up to the shadow. Someone who’s more willing to take on the role of the Joker as we know it.

  • Oct 13, 2024

    Film is an absolute mess throughout. It starts with a cartoon sequence (which I enjoyed a lot) and never goes into that again. It’s just a sprinkle of ideals throughout the movie that go absolutely nowhere.

    Joker ends with him realising who he wants to be and he’s finally seen with him happy to be the joker. The joker 2 completely goes back on this and we basically have a 20 minute sequence of him actually being the joker, which was the best part of the movie.

    We are here to watch a Joker movie, not an Arthur Fleck movie. We watched the first one with the end product results in him being the joker. The film is a comic book movie so give the audience a comic book movie. If you want to tell us the joker is a bad guy and Arthur Fleck is a sick man. We know this. We watched the first movie.

    I honestly think the plot should’ve been Arthur Fleck fully in his Joker role and Harley Quinn is his therapist to stop this. Then following the comic book storyline she then goes insane and falls in love with him. The Joker is his own lawyer throughout the film and we have a full court based film with the Joker being the f***ing Joker.

  • Oct 13, 2024
    1 reply

    what movies was this one a ripoff of
    cause i agree the first one was riff on scorsese but this one was fresh af to me honest to god 10/10 in my book

    The first one is essentially a King of Comedy remake.

    This one he tried to be original and clearly couldn’t handle it.

  • Oct 14, 2024

    The first one is essentially a King of Comedy remake.

    This one he tried to be original and clearly couldn’t handle it.

    it was good movie to me i liked it way more than the first one but it wasnt perfect better than 90% of capeshit tho

  • Oct 14, 2024

    Arthur really said “I am not your savior, I choose me I’m sorry” and got killed by his own fans.

    Amazing movie

  • the first post itt...

  • Oct 14, 2024
    2 replies

    Joker Bros are we cooked?

  • Oct 14, 2024

    all I know is, there isn’t one soul who went and bought tickets to see an Arthur Fleck movie

  • Oct 14, 2024
    Shin Chan

    Joker Bros are we cooked?

    ngl completely discarded watching this once they announced it was a musical plus this really didn’t need a sequel

  • Oct 14, 2024
    1 reply

    I’m just gonna say it.

    A lot of Joker hate feels like “baby’s first hot take”.
    Like someone watched a couple Scorsese / Nolan films and needs to virtue signal about how much they understand real cinema.

    first joker had a lot of wanna be movie critics bashing on it on twitter, this one was just a bad idea all around (still will end up watching)

  • Oct 14, 2024

    first joker had a lot of wanna be movie critics bashing on it on twitter, this one was just a bad idea all around (still will end up watching)

    I still think this was a phenomenal idea with awkward execution

  • Oct 14, 2024
    Shin Chan

    Joker Bros are we cooked?

    Pretty sure this means zaslav gonna have to file bankruptcy lol they been bleeding money for a hot minute and were def depending on this to give them some breathing room

  • Oct 14, 2024
  • Oct 14, 2024
    1 reply

    This would have been better if it had no gaga or music and was about arthur being the joker we all know but by accident and because no one takes his mental health seriously

    Imagine if the whole movie was him just tryna get by but it was s*** like the courtroom escape scene the whole film

  • Oct 15, 2024
    2 replies

  • sponge 🧽
    Oct 15, 2024
    2 replies
    Mr America

    This would have been better if it had no gaga or music and was about arthur being the joker we all know but by accident and because no one takes his mental health seriously

    Imagine if the whole movie was him just tryna get by but it was s*** like the courtroom escape scene the whole film

    "This would've been better if it were a complete and entirely different movie"


  • Oct 15, 2024
    2 replies

    This pretty savage but then again it's coming from a dude that's been slumming it directing straight to dvd nic cage movies these days

  • sponge

    "This would've been better if it were a complete and entirely different movie"


  • Oct 15, 2024
    1 reply

    I expected the movie to be mid from the trailers but wow...

  • Oct 15, 2024
    1 reply

    I expected the movie to be mid from the trailers but wow...

    Is it "fascinating what were they thinking trainwreck" level or just "yawn that was lame"

  • Oct 15, 2024
    1 reply

    I don't want no more "Joker is a symbol/ critique on-" s***. Enough. That's why he's getting played out now. They keep trying to make this s*** deep. S*** is corny my nigga

  • Oct 15, 2024

    Is it "fascinating what were they thinking trainwreck" level or just "yawn that was lame"

    Squandered potential. It's not even so bad it's fascinating to watch, but it's frustrating because it's just boring lol.The missed opportunities keep piling up. Todd lied on the resumé and is now producing s***ty results.

  • Oct 15, 2024
    1 reply

    I don't want no more "Joker is a symbol/ critique on-" s***. Enough. That's why he's getting played out now. They keep trying to make this s*** deep. S*** is corny my nigga

    But how else will the masses know if they live in a society

  • Oct 15, 2024

    But how else will the masses know if they live in a society

    Reading this in Joel Osteen voice