first third: one flew over the cuckoo's nest with joker in arkham
remainder of the movie he will bite apocolypse now to a tee once they ship his ass to Vietnam to fight the war
Natural Born Killers if there will be Harley Quinn
first third: one flew over the cuckoo's nest with joker in arkham
remainder of the movie he will bite apocolypse now to a tee once they ship his ass to Vietnam to fight the war
That would actually be cool to me
which film sxn user is this
Based, accurate, conduct review. He’s right. Still enjoyed it tho
Can't wait to find out which movie Phillips will be biting
Did you like Taxi Driver better or the Joker
First Joker was an embarrassment to my avi and I might have to finally change it after a decade if he's gonna keep this up
which film sxn user is this
So pretentious. No one is calling it deep. But this review applies perfectly to that everything everywhere bullshit.
First Joker was an embarrassment to my avi and I might have to finally change it after a decade if he's gonna keep this up
It's funny that the intense hatred i see for certain films sometimes comes off as even more pretentious than the people praising it .
Like calm down film bro, just because that film doesn't have Kubrick levels of depth, doesn't mean you gotta go around telling everyone how much you think a film is "overrared fake deep garbage" .
It's the prime example of "let people enjoy things"
And this isn't directed at any person specifically .
It's just something I see all over the internet
First Joker was an embarrassment to my avi and I might have to finally change it after a decade if he's gonna keep this up
f g
It's funny that the intense hatred i see for certain films sometimes comes off as even more pretentious than the people praising it .
Like calm down film bro, just because that film doesn't have Kubrick levels of depth, doesn't mean you gotta go around telling everyone how much you think a film is "overrared fake deep garbage" .
It's the prime example of "let people enjoy things"
And this isn't directed at any person specifically .
It's just something I see all over the internet
This 100 percent.
This movie is both overhated and overrated
Like chill everyone the movie is pretty solid and if you didn’t like it and have good reasons as to why personally then that’s fine
Wait. Everyone hates Joker now? I thought that movie was acclaimed
It making so much money and becoming so popular made the film snobs hate it
If it were another generic popcorn munching suicide squad type antihero "villain" spinoff action blockbuster it wouldn't get near this level of backlash
But since it's a drama all the snobs wanna scream OMG SCORCESE RIPOFF WORST MOVIE EVER!!!
It making so much money and becoming so popular made the film snobs hate it
If it were another generic popcorn munching suicide squad type antihero "villain" spinoff action blockbuster it wouldn't get near this level of backlash
But since it's a drama all the snobs wanna scream OMG SCORCESE RIPOFF WORST MOVIE EVER!!!
We knew it was bad before it was successful and that wouldn't matter anyways
We knew it was bad before it was successful and that wouldn't matter anyways
If you are or are referring to the ones who fell for the media "THIS IS A PRO loser MOVIE!!" Trickeroo then you are correct. If not
If you are or are referring to the ones who fell for the media "THIS IS A PRO loser MOVIE!!" Trickeroo then you are correct. If not