In response to his ex girlfriend leaking text messages showing what she referred to as controlling behavior Zoey 101 actress Alexa Nikolas alleged on twitter that Hill and other actors assaulted her and her friends at a part while they were underaged.
Please keep it civil no one has been convicted of anything however these are extremely seriously allegations especially given the situation around Jonah Hill from earlier.
u gotta add this tweet to op cause the sole one in your first post doesnt really say anything about him doing anything
u gotta add this tweet to op cause the sole one in your first post doesnt really say anything about him doing anything thank you
Source: trust me
It’s so easy for women to make false accusations it’s ridiculous
She also alleges a actor named Jonathan Togo assaulted her friend who was also underaged and intoxicated
i would never in a million years let my kid become a child actor unless i was with them 100% of the time like elijah wood's mom
this isn't a critique of her or her mom im just saying that history has proven that child stars can be incredibly vulnerable
Source: trust me
It’s so easy for women to make false accusations it’s ridiculous
I’m not gonna say that is true or false because I don’t know these people and it hasn’t been handled in a legal capacity but if your first reaction to someone claiming they were violated as a child is to immediately call them a liar it says a lot about you
she been thru some s*** over the years
Yea I peeped that she has a podcast about this stuff in her twitter and instagram bio
Source: trust me
It’s so easy for women to make false accusations it’s ridiculous
Keep the same energy if you ever have a daughter and she claims she's been sexually assaulted or anyone woman in your family for that matter.
she also accused seth mcfarland a while ago but it kinda went under the radar
Are the tweets still up?
Likely got hit with a cease and desist
yeah i bet he had lawyers on those tweets so fast