31 likes on it too smh
Pedo McPedorson could get accused of diddling and these clowns would immediately scream false accusations
Or, alternatively, don't be a s***abuser, and there will be nothing to uncover
That too obviously. I was just being “light” but you right
Or, alternatively, don't be a s***abuser, and there will be nothing to uncover
Every thread about s*** like this whether on this site or somewhere a reply like this is guaranteed
They need to make likes public
Y’all remember when ssgkobe career and hype completely ended because of rape allegations then the girl admitted she lied about it
Y’all remember when ssgkobe career and hype completely ended because of rape allegations then the girl admitted she lied about it
your point being???
She posted this the other day
lol the label serial accuser is crazy tho
your point being???
This girl is clearly a scorned ex and lying about Jonah abusing her I mean his boundaries text isn’t even f***ed up or abusive to her the only thing he looks guilty of is being a little cringe