When people bring up Ezra, are they asking for both of these men to face the consequences they deserve or for men of all races to be able to get away heinous s*** equally
This is my question too
Remember when the gf dropping the charges out of nowhere was treated like proof of innocence itt
And "all actors are sociopaths"
Wild thread
Hey hey hey the “ she is white she beat herself “ group still cooking
This reminds me of that Ben Affleck movie ..forgot it's name
Remember when the gf dropping the charges out of nowhere was treated like proof of innocence itt
And "all actors are sociopaths"
Wild thread
when a lawyer says "we have her recanting the statements in writing two times"
winded up being two text that read like a victim of abuse making excuses for their lover. Then the lawyer released it like a gotcha
The Actors are sociopaths part was baffling to me
Nah. Multiverse of madness and black panther 2 were bangers
Hated Black Panther felt rushed I will pick Shang Chi over that. Hope that character returns soon.
if Shia was signed to disney for example he would not exist with them. Beating a woman as a superhero in a moment where you are star power. White or black or whatever they are going to get dropped. In some cases found guilty or not. If Disney knows whether or not it was done and there is going to be enough viral bullshit about it they will not play he say she say or "judge says this"
We know this woman didn't injure herself come on
I think you need to stop talking for Disney and stop acting like it operates different than most companies, because it doesn't, as proven time and time again.
It's all about money in the end of the day, and replacing a black actor far outweighs the risks.
Look at what they did to Will Smith. Decades of being one of the biggest superstars in Hollywood got easily destroyed coz he slapped someone on TV. You think they would do the same if it was Tom hanks? Lol
I think you need to stop talking for Disney and stop acting like it operates different than most companies, because it doesn't, as proven time and time again.
It's all about money in the end of the day, and replacing a black actor far outweighs the risks.
Look at what they did to Will Smith. Decades of being one of the biggest superstars in Hollywood got easily destroyed coz he slapped someone on TV. You think they would do the same if it was Tom hanks? Lol
if Tom Hanks slapped someone on tv yes the reaction would still be quite terrible. I have said race is a factor from the beginning of the thread. I am the first one to say Ezra is WHITE. My point here isn't race doesn't play a factor its that IF HE IS GUILTY OR IF THE PUBLIC WIDELY BELIEVES HE BEAT HER WHETHER SHE RECANTS OR NOT THEY WILL DROP HIM.
Yall love to act like Disney acts different than most companies
We are talking about the same company that fired James gunn only to bring him back like it was nothing. Also your guarantees mean nothing.
These Hollywood companies are simply "cancelling" Majors without even being proven guilty, because its easy for them; for them he is replaceable. Let's be honest.
This is like when they took off Terrence Howard off Ironman coz he was asking for more money for the second movie. Its easy for them.
Bro it’s not hard to understand that a company is gonna fire you if you’re a liability. His agencies are dropping him and he’s losing all his endorsements. Do you seriously think Disney wants the bad press? It would be different if it was a random accusation on Twitter but bro got arrested and there were injuries found on the woman. The news was huge the second it came out for that reason. The trial is also still moving forward even though the woman recanted her statement which means the DA thinks it’s a strong enough case. It’s amazing that Disney even gave it this much time considering their PC approach to everything. I’m a black man myself but I’m tired of this “they’re trying to tear down a black man” agenda coming up whenever a black man digs his own grave
if Tom Hanks slapped someone on tv yes the reaction would still be quite terrible. I have said race is a factor from the beginning of the thread. I am the first one to say Ezra is WHITE. My point here isn't race doesn't play a factor its that IF HE IS GUILTY OR IF THE PUBLIC WIDELY BELIEVES HE BEAT HER WHETHER SHE RECANTS OR NOT THEY WILL DROP HIM.
I'm not talking about you tho, I'm talking about Hollywood in general.
Bro it’s not hard to understand that a company is gonna fire you if you’re a liability. His agencies are dropping him and he’s losing all his endorsements. Do you seriously think Disney wants the bad press? It would be different if it was a random accusation on Twitter but bro got arrested and there were injuries found on the woman. The news was huge the second it came out for that reason. The trial is also still moving forward even though the woman recanted her statement which means the DA thinks it’s a strong enough case. It’s amazing that Disney even gave it this much time considering their PC approach to everything. I’m a black man myself but I’m tired of this “they’re trying to tear down a black man” agenda coming up whenever a black man digs his own grave
You can't deny the fact that Hollywood find it much easier to cancel a black actor then to do so to a white actor. That's all im saying.
Marvel really waiting on the court date to make a decision huh
Nah it’s starting to snowball, wouldn’t be surprised if they drop him by the end of the week. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they dropped him tomorrow
my favourite post-endgame mcu flick, bp2 a close second. Shang chi was great too, we definitely got some heat in phase 4
Shang chi would be number 1 if it wasn’t for that weird ass 3rd act
You can't deny the fact that Hollywood find it much easier to cancel a black actor then to do so to a white actor. That's all im saying.
You gotta come with examples because corporations worry about $$$, nothing else. They'll blacklist anyone if they bring bad press which = less money
You gotta come with examples because corporations worry about $$$, nothing else. They'll blacklist anyone if they bring bad press which = less money
Jeremy Renner
When people bring up Ezra, are they asking for both of these men to face the consequences they deserve or for men of all races to be able to get away heinous s*** equally
ezra aint even do s***
You gotta come with examples because corporations worry about $$$, nothing else. They'll blacklist anyone if they bring bad press which = less money
Ezra Miller if a very recent and famous one lol.
It was over the second those texts came out
gotta be a world record for s***tiest lawyer/PR of all time