If it turns out he’s not guilty and he lost all this s*** and Ezra held onto all their business despite the multiple crimes, many of them much more serious then this, then anyone with any decency needs to speak up.
Having said that’s the more time goes on the more I think this taxi footage isn’t gonna look good for him so we’ll see what happens.
This one of the most ominous tweets I seen in a moment.
This stuff came out initially after Morgan's divorce with his second wife. It was alleged that this was a reason for their divorce and that Morgan and his granddaughter were planning to get married (she was 27 at this point). They came out and denied it at the time. Then after her murder, this s*** came up again in the boyfriend's trial where the defense attorney said there were multiple people including the boyfriend that were told about the relationship by her
she was murdered what…
Hold up now
His step grand daughter was Edena Hines - from what I can find only the National Enquirer (not trustworthyy) claimed that they had a relationship. Edena was later murdered by her boyfriend, who also claimed this in court. But I wouldn’t list a murdering boyfriend to be reliable either
Boyega and Yahya both look more like Otis and are probably capable of exuding that type of warmth
Majors looks like a shark or some other type of terrifying predator that just wants to eat you
there’s no way you though all this before s*** popped off at most he looks like a nigga that would borrow some cash then avoid the s*** out of you for months
If it turns out he’s not guilty and he lost all this s*** and Ezra held onto all their business despite the multiple crimes, many of them much more serious then this, then anyone with any decency needs to speak up.
Having said that’s the more time goes on the more I think this taxi footage isn’t gonna look good for him so we’ll see what happens.
Not Guilty and innocent are two different things is what I think many of you are forgetting.
This is easily the best she's ever looked
Wolf Of Wall Street (Criterion Edition) in stores now! #kinobae
Not Guilty and innocent are two different things is what I think many of you are forgetting.
he will never not have this stain on him regardless of the results.
I know it’s jokes but, this thread is a shining example on how easy it is to vilify someone just for existing, especially black men. Countless “he always gave off a bad vibe…” type of takes n jokes itt.
I know it’s jokes but, this thread is a shining example on how easy it is to vilify someone just for existing, especially black men. Countless “he always gave off a bad vibe…” type of takes n jokes itt.
I agree on that “ I always knew “ “ he looks like the type “ etc s*** is weird .
If it turns out he’s not guilty and he lost all this s*** and Ezra held onto all their business despite the multiple crimes, many of them much more serious then this, then anyone with any decency needs to speak up.
Having said that’s the more time goes on the more I think this taxi footage isn’t gonna look good for him so we’ll see what happens.
Ezra hasn’t been cast in anything since their arrests. Their career is done as well.
Ezra hasn’t been cast in anything since their arrests. Their career is done as well.
Lol we keep saying this
I agree on that “ I always knew “ “ he looks like the type “ etc s*** is weird .
I agree on that “ I always knew “ “ he looks like the type “ etc s*** is weird .
Crabs in a bucket fr
I agree on that “ I always knew “ “ he looks like the type “ etc s*** is weird .
there’s no way you though all this before s*** popped off at most he looks like a nigga that would borrow some cash then avoid the s*** out of you for months
Nope saw a picture of him from the set of Ant Man ages ago where he looked like a serious menace
Wolf Of Wall Street (Criterion Edition) in stores now! #kinobae
Eh she's never really done it for me but in that one pic she looks a lil heavier
I know it’s jokes but, this thread is a shining example on how easy it is to vilify someone just for existing, especially black men. Countless “he always gave off a bad vibe…” type of takes n jokes itt.
Shorties on twitter were saying that one like crazy "he always gave me that vibe" after dicl riding him
It’s honestly crazy how swift he got blackballed from Hollywood and yet Fassbender, Brad Pitt and Josh Brolin still have careers
Tbf, Fassbender went radio silence for a while after his s*** came up again. Majors needs to just stfu for a while too before thinking about going Hollywood again
Eh she's never really done it for me but in that one pic she looks a lil heavier