  • Prez 💎
    Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    If it turns out he’s not guilty and he lost all this s*** and Ezra held onto all their business despite the multiple crimes, many of them much more serious then this, then anyone with any decency needs to speak up.

    Having said that’s the more time goes on the more I think this taxi footage isn’t gonna look good for him so we’ll see what happens.

    has ezra worked since his meltdown?

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    I’m still watching magazine dreams…I need that

  • Apr 19, 2023
    Mr Motion

    Why are the crabs in a bucket to begin with?

    Because the fisherman knows that you have to put crabs in a container or they might form into a humanoid shape and attack, per my sources

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Jonathan must be punching the air right now knowing that a total weirdo like Ezra can commit multiple horrific crimes and still somehow get off scott free

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply
    green man

    Ezra hasn’t been cast in anything since their arrests. Their career is done as well.

    Depends whether or not if the new Flash movie flops, then revisionists are going to act like nothing happened with Ezra

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Depends whether or not if the new Flash movie flops, then revisionists are going to act like nothing happened with Ezra

    And who would that be? DC nerds on twitter? That's not real life and frankly their opinions dont mean s***

    Everybody I know thinks Ezra's a psychopath when he's brought up

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Jonathan must be punching the air right now knowing that a total weirdo like Ezra can commit multiple horrific crimes and still somehow get off scott free

    That's really a wait and see on "scot-free" honestly. Currently Ezra is still very much hated. I've seen called them called a pedophile frequently for a variety of different situations. Last I heard of them they were in the wacky bin calling themselves Jesus and Satan, that the apocalypse was coming, and of course with anybody who has lost it started talking about Jewish conspiracies.

    Think they might be done. Not in the sense of being canceled, but because they are likely dealing with severe schizophrenia.

  • Apr 19, 2023
    3 replies

    he's done

  • Its over

  • Apr 19, 2023

    he's done

    Seems like he's not a good human being

  • Apr 19, 2023

    he's done


  • Apr 19, 2023
    6 replies
  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    That's really a wait and see on "scot-free" honestly. Currently Ezra is still very much hated. I've seen called them called a pedophile frequently for a variety of different situations. Last I heard of them they were in the wacky bin calling themselves Jesus and Satan, that the apocalypse was coming, and of course with anybody who has lost it started talking about Jewish conspiracies.

    Think they might be done. Not in the sense of being canceled, but because they are likely dealing with severe schizophrenia.

    Ezra not on the publicity run?

  • Apr 19, 2023

    I knew this was coming when he was getting dropped from everything

  • Apr 19, 2023

    article says one of the alleged victims was a member of the ant man quantumania production team

  • Apr 19, 2023

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Damn this nigga so good in Creed 3


  • Apr 19, 2023
    4 replies

    Damn this nigga so good in Creed 3


    It’s not worth it

  • Apr 19, 2023

    He not getting replaced.

  • Apr 19, 2023
    internet buddy

    It’s not worth it

    Yeah he’s done

  • Apr 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah he groomed his step-granddaughter that he raised. Bro is disgusting but he is black and still gets plenty of roles regardless of it, mainly because not many people know about this. I had the same reaction when I found out recently but this story first came out back in 2018 but it got pushed under the rug

    The only person that accused him of grooming her was her murderer which makes this questionable but I hear you

  • Apr 19, 2023
    internet buddy

    Ezra not on the publicity run?

    Not that I've seen or heard no idea

  • Apr 19, 2023
    Why Yesterday

    And who would that be? DC nerds on twitter? That's not real life and frankly their opinions dont mean s***

    Everybody I know thinks Ezra's a psychopath when he's brought up

    Most people i know in real life dont even know about Ezra Miller tbh

  • Apr 19, 2023
    internet buddy

    It’s not worth it


  • Apr 19, 2023
    2 replies

    This nigga had the MCU, a Dennis Rodman biopic lined up, the Spike Lee collab and Magazine Dreams on the way.

    He really fumbled it by being a psycho