been stanning the goat all this time
streets won’t ever forget you yuta okkotsu
been stanning the goat all this time
streets won’t ever forget you yuta okkotsu
I dont wanna get sucked into the JJK2 narrative but why did this man spend half a chapter talking about the simple domain with 3 chapters remaining 😭 gege…
megumi ended up being the most useless out of the 3, couldnt even tame all his pets
Bro he's only 15
this is war fam, gotta button ya s*** up lol
Man got tricked by the smartest curse in history, couldn't see that coming
this is war fam, gotta button ya s*** up lol
Man got tricked by the smartest curse in history, couldn't see that coming
fair Wukuna was a menace
its wild he dropped this chapter 2 remaining and its basically just him explaining away potential plotholes.
Final chapter gonna be just Gojos funeral deadass
Gege yapping about s*** no one cares about, I wish bro would've put that energy into actually developing his roster of characters
its wild he dropped this chapter 2 remaining and its basically just him explaining away potential plotholes.
Final chapter gonna be just Gojos funeral deadass
We went through the Yuta is such a monster Thing for no reason what so ever like wow
We went through the Yuta is such a monster Thing for no reason what so ever like wow
They listed like 5 different scenarios of what would happen to Yuta potentially only for him to be completely fine back in his body with no negatives lmaoo. This sucks cause I thought the moment of him taking over Gojos body was awesome.
JJK: Return of the Six-Eyes; 15yr timeskip with a new six-eyes user would be insanely good as a spinoff
also simple domain is being explained for a reason. Might be a domain expansion coming next chap that makes the means for it.
people that learn simple domain having to make vows like having to take orders from the higher ups wouldve given Kusakabe and the others some more interesting dynamic. Learning about the fact afterwards I have no idea why this was necessary to learn.
I complained a lot through this manga run and I ain’t even mad about how this is ending but how we spending a chapter on s*** only the nerdiest pedant ass negative ass b****es care about. Objectively hilarious, Gege was fed up with them playing with his name.
to give benefit of doubt I have no idea what the overseas fans are on. Maybe this was warranted but put in a data book or something lmao
I complained a lot through this manga run and I ain’t even mad about how this is ending but how we spending a chapter on s*** only the nerdiest pedant ass negative ass b****es care about. Objectively hilarious, Gege was fed up with them playing with his name.
to give benefit of doubt I have no idea what the overseas fans are on. Maybe this was warranted but put in a data book or something lmao
Im a nerd ass b**** about this manga but he really dropping some infodump/ explaining away potential plotholes as your third last chapter in the series lmfaooo.
Id rather I dunno have Megumi, Yuji and Nob hug it out for 20 pages. Like this s\*\*\* supposed to be emotional not a wiki entry
Also hilarious how this chapter is literally so uninteresting this thread is the least active its probably been in a year. It was literally so unnecessary lmfao. Got me hating for once. Still looking forward to what he cooking in the next 2 weeks
tcb not even translating this