Idk man, his death seems plausible but unlikely still. We'll have to see in later chapters. Cause I'm not buying it just yet.
Would be impossible to perfectly animate every single detail from the manga
Or impossibly expensive
I feel like every fight in season 1 did the manga justice, if not embellished it ie. maki vs miwa
and they should have a much bigger budget no? JJK is the biggest thing in Japan atm
I feel like every fight in season 1 did the manga justice, if not embellished it ie. maki vs miwa
and they should have a much bigger budget no? JJK is the biggest thing in Japan atm
Episode was damn near flawless man lol
Gotta stop the nitpicking
Idk man, his death seems plausible but unlikely still. We'll have to see in later chapters. Cause I'm not buying it just yet.
It’s pretty simple tbh, no need for too much further explanation
Gege explained it very well
Also, Gege himself stated that Gojo's the one to tell Megumi who Toji was opposed to him being his father. So I'm still up in arms with this one. Think it's just another L he took much like the Toji encounter
It’s pretty simple tbh, no need for too much further explanation
Gege explained it very well
I'm cool either way, cause it shows how much of a menace Sukuna really is.
I'm cool either way, cause it shows how much of a menace Sukuna really is.
Peak character
Idk man, his death seems plausible but unlikely still. We'll have to see in later chapters. Cause I'm not buying it just yet.
Nah man, after actually reading the properly translated chapter, it would feel cheap to bring gojo back. His arc feels concluded.
slight exaggeration but it’s giving s2 OPM
maybe i had higher hopes based on s1 and how these fights were drawn
its not even slight, that's a massive exaggeration
im getting chainsaw man flashbacks
Would be impossible to perfectly animate every single detail from the manga
Or impossibly expensive
its not even a money issue at that point
budget after a point has nothing to do with quality
its not even a money issue at that point
budget after a point has nothing to do with quality
Idc how much money you making
Maybe it’s not an issue per say but do we wanna spend a ton on Yuji vs Grasshooper?
Probably not
im impressed with how many 2D models they had. S*** had to be hard asf to manage
im impressed with how many 2D models they had. S*** had to be hard asf to manage
this fight is super complex to do with not just animating abominations like the curses but also hundreds of humans and it still looks fantastic.
Really impressive altho I am happy the more personal hand to hand focused fights are gonna be next. Im just a sucker for a good choreo but obv sitting in a 15 meter tall mech or gojos fighting style here dont really allow that
that domain scene is such a flex tho they didnt even need to do that s*** lmao
the music is so dope too
People gotta accept that fact that Gojo is dead man lol, now is it possible he’s reborn into something new? Maybe, but the Gojo you see today is DEAD, deal with it lol
Bro that scene with Hanami being crushed was CRAZY, i just knew they were going to snap in this episode
You know how insane you have to be for them to be able to get a whole episode off just about you losing