Yo idk if yall are spoiling the manga or anime man lol
be safe cuh, its 99.9% manga
Btw this just confirms Yuta as the GOAT. Geto thought his abilities were from Rika when it was the other way around.
be safe cuh, its 99.9% manga
I alr typed “Satoru Gojo” into Google earlier today and the second result…smh
Also, Gege himself stated that Gojo's the one to tell Megumi who Toji was opposed to him being his father. So I'm still up in arms with this one. Think it's just another L he took much like the Toji encounter
It was mentioned in this chapter that he left it up to Shoko to tell Megumi
Nah man, after actually reading the properly translated chapter, it would feel cheap to bring gojo back. His arc feels concluded.
Of course people are quick to b\*\*\*\* before proper translations come out
It was mentioned in this chapter that he left it up to Shoko to tell Megumi
Should I start with anime or manga on this?
season 2 of the anime is going on rn so if you wanna start there, now would be a good time to watch
the manga is the best way to experience it and would be quicker to get through than to watch it
Last comment was Gege’s comment when Gojo got sealed. He really hates him and it gave us the biggest irony ever
I'm so f\*\*\*ing sad man, Gege hates Gojo fr fr. Between the events in the Manga & where we are in the anime, it's all too much. :jordancry:
Last comment was Gege’s comment when Gojo got sealed. He really hates him and it gave us the biggest irony ever
I just think gege has a strange sense of humor
The manga keeps trying to convince me that what's obviously going to happen isn't going to happen, and I hate that it keeps getting my hopes up.
Yep. Exactly.
Theory: What it Yugi swapped bodies with Gojo last second? Meaning that he'll end up dead, but Gojo will live on in his body.
Aiight idk where to begin. I remember watching Naruto when I was 14 years old. I saw the Zabuza haku episode. I was shook. I went on YouTube and binged tf out of Naruto.. imo original Naruto chunin exams arc is peak Naruto, peak anime tbh.. Sasuke backstory orochimaru gaara, kyuubi, shikamaru intro, tooo good.. this szn of JJK has already blown me away. The epic af animation aside, shibuya arc already eclipsing chunin. While I still think attack is the best, this Last episode, especially with the subtle hint about yuta, has confirmed this anime is just goated already.. Ik I don't know s*** and i may just read the whole fuccin manga rn but Jesus fkn Christ sealing the strongest character, hinting at growth of other characters, itadori not even being the potential main character like im blown away. Mechamaru fight alone being so cool for no reason it's so f***jng good!!
Of course people are quick to b\*\*\*\* before proper translations come out
People comment based on what they know at the time, that's natural. But I'm glad that faithful translations didn't take long to come out.
The fan girls yesterday was a great day
Saw this video on my feed of a college girl rolling on the floor crying next to her room-mates
Saw this video on my feed of a college girl rolling on the floor crying next to her room-mates