I don’t see what there is to laugh about
I think what ye is doing is inspiring and brave
I’m glued to my seat to see this man overcome
He isn’t being inspiring. He needs help not a platform
shut up this is serious
Im doing Kanye justice, anyone making fun of his mental health gets a free avi post
Im doing Kanye justice, anyone making fun of his mental health gets a free avi post
im sorry ok i get it still this is a serious thread but we need discussion
Oh trust me nigga I will
Im doing Kanye justice, anyone making fun of his mental health gets a free avi post
Awesome, please keep doing it.,👌
Kanye need help. I’m not even saying that to be mean or anything but Kanye clearly isn’t there all the way. He’s a nut ass nigga at times but I think all his outbursts are cries for help.
I don't think anybody finds the Kanye s*** entertaining.
Theres more to it then that, I feel like one side support him and want to see him prosper and the other wants him to realize what he's doing and get help.
It is. He should be seeking help but his deluded fans perpetuate this nonsense and it drives him further and further down the hole. No one cares about him, not his family or his fans.
I'd say part of the problem isn't only his fans and family and friends, but he only has yes friends around him. No one is helping him realize what he's saying or doing at this point. They just let him do whatever he wants and he shouldn't cuz he'll hurt himself.
I don't think anybody finds the Kanye s*** entertaining.
Theres more to it then that, I feel like one side support him and want to see him prosper and the other wants him to realize what he's doing and get help.
You should see the special ed kids on here i posted all their avis
Like bro
Who says that about their daughter in front of the world
Even if it is true, she still has to live in this world
I don't think anybody finds the Kanye s*** entertaining.
Theres more to it then that, I feel like one side support him and want to see him prosper and the other wants him to realize what he's doing and get help.
A lot of niggas stay reveling in Kanye’s pain
Like bro
Who says that about their daughter in front of the world
Even if it is true, she still has to live in this world
He has mental issues man, he needs serious help
There’s nothing entertaining about this. He just needs less yes men and more time to realize he’s not all that and just stay for a while til he learns some humility