Well, f*** it, what's more important is he's cryin' out for help
While the world's eggin' him on, I'm beggin' him to stop it
A lot of niggas stay reveling in Kanye’s pain
There are a lot of people who truly dont care about his mental health or his success at all and just take every opportunity to s*** on him and hide behind the guise of worrying about his mental health or worry about his politics when they never speak on that s*** at all in any other context
Been that way since Yeezus promo.
yea he's been the same man for almost a decade at this point.
everybodys saying "ye needs help" but disqualifying his core concerns. nothing he's been saying doens't make any sense.
he's gonna get ripped apart for the way he cant shut up again tho for sure.
There are a lot of people who truly dont care about his mental health or his success at all and just take every opportunity to s*** on him and hide behind the guise of worrying about his mental health or worry about his politics when they never speak on that s*** at all in any other context
Maybe, I'm sure there are but I mean more people on here. I think more often then not the people who say they want to see Kanye get help are genuine, and writing them off as just hating on kanye isn't helping anything.
Queen but if you’re posting this implying I fall under the umbrella you put up with this thread you got me super mistaken
seeing mental illness discussed on this site makes me wanna kill myself so bad
I wonder how different things would be if people would have been saying this when he was saying the stuff they agreed with instead of deciding he needs help now that they don’t. He was like this in the Zane interview the content is just different.
Maybe, I'm sure there are but I mean more people on here. I think more often then not the people who say they want to see Kanye get help are genuine, and writing them off as just hating on kanye isn't helping anything.
There are many of those people on here for sure but I can read between the lines when it’s necessary. Especially when I see their opinions on mental health in other contexts.
I may come off as apathetic but I just don’t trust a lot of these niggas. I’ve seen way too much bullshit and hypocrisy on this site. The s*** that went down with Cudi had me f***ed up.
People take one sentence out of a 60 min speech to paint him out to be some unhinged psychopath and then go “we need to have an honest conversation about mental illness” and act so concerned
Whether Kanye is in a manic episode or not, the amount of bad faith conversation around him and his health is uncomfortable
There are many of those people on here for sure but I can read between the lines when it’s necessary. Especially when I see their opinions on mental health in other contexts.
I may come off as apathetic but I just don’t trust a lot of these niggas. I’ve seen way too much bullshit and hypocrisy on this site. The s*** that went down with Cudi had me f***ed up.
Oh okay I gotchu. Yeah I think another thing is a lot of people blame it on mental health when they don't have any understanding of kanyes health or bpd in general.
F*** the people who do see it as entertainment. But also forreal f*** all the people who think what he's doing/saying is rational and are egging him on. Ye stans you can love the man and his music but the constant d***riding and menatl gymnastics on the site have to stop. Always defending his irrational actions and statements makes you just as irrational.
You don't have to be scared to speak against an artist you love when they aren't on the right side of things. It won't make you any less of a fan.
With that being said this s*** is truly sad and I personally feel for him. I hope he gets help soon. Until then Im praying for him
seeing mental illness discussed on this site makes me wanna kill myself so bad
Such a weird thing to say
Once Kim got robbed his mental health started going down bad
I can see why it’s hard for people to give him help too. How do you tell the guy, who went from working at the Gap to becoming one of the biggest musicians on the planet, that he can’t do anything? He has his peers and the world telling him he’s a genius, so how do you convince him that there’s a problem relating to anything mental.
I imagine it’s bittersweet being close to Kanye, you see everything that made him what he is but those same qualities are hurting him the most. I know it definitely sucks as a fan.
Kanye just drop some music or invent something mane idk. We don't need allat extra s*** really.
Such a weird thing to say
because you people know nothing about it f***ing morons
If my family member was acting like this I’d help them and would refuse to enable their dumb s***. This is Kanye and his family’s responsibility not his fans
People take one sentence out of a 60 min speech to paint him out to be some unhinged psychopath and then go “we need to have an honest conversation about mental illness” and act so concerned
Whether Kanye is in a manic episode or not, the amount of bad faith conversation around him and his health is uncomfortable
Facts. Its obvious he actually cares so much about what he is trying to accomplish
Seeing people be so quick to call him crazy or unhinged because they disagree with him is disheartening
Oh and also f*** chance the rapper. I'd actually assault that weirdo if I got the chance
Oh okay I gotchu. Yeah I think another thing is a lot of people blame it on mental health when they don't have any understanding of kanyes health or bpd in general.
Any understanding or any empathy at all