So apart from Grand Budapest Hotel, and Fantastic Mr Fox which I watched when I was too young to remember, hadn't seen any other Anderson films so I decided to check them all out this year because his filmography is small anyway.
Best to worst:
The Grand Budapest Hotel (9/10)
The Royal Tenenbaums (8/10)
Rushmore (8/10)
Isle of Dogs (8/10)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (8/10)
Life Aquatic (7/10)
Bottle Rocket (7/10)
Moonrise Kingdom (7/10)
The Darjeeling Limited (6/10)
Very solid filmography, maybe some of these ratings will go higher on rewatches. If he can deliver 2 more great films I'd have no issue with him being labeled a top 40-50 director.
This was definitely one of my favorite shots:
Grand budapest hotel goes hard when you high
I'm actually tilted at the rank and rating of The Darjeeling Limited.
Such an underrated movie from his filmography. Rarely gets any love.
I'm actually tilted at the rank and rating of The Darjeeling Limited.
Such an underrated movie from his filmography. Rarely gets any love.
I'm actually tilted at the rank and rating of The Darjeeling Limited.
Such an underrated movie from his filmography. Rarely gets any love.
Had a feeling people would be mad about it, can you explain what you like about it so much?
I'm actually tilted at the rank and rating of The Darjeeling Limited.
Such an underrated movie from his filmography. Rarely gets any love.
Was my first wes film
Was on cable all the time when i was 8, was super fascinated by it GOAT film
Moonrise and darjeeling way too low
Life aquatic objectively his worst, literally fell asleep to it and cant remember what it was about
Isle of dogs second to last, hvnt seen rushmore and bottle rocket
1)Moonrise Kingdom (was the first “arthouse film” i watched on my first personal laptop in 2015, also i hv memories of the trailer playing all the time on directtvnow when i was 12, so overall personal connection plus it just being a gorgeous and heartwarming film) 9.3/10
GrandBudapest Hotel (9/10))
Fantastic Mr Fox (8.9/10)
The Royal Tenenbaums (8.8/10)
Darjeeling (8.5/10)
Isle of dogs (6.5/10)
bottle rocket (Havent seen)
rush more (havent seen)
life aquatic (5/10
1)Moonrise Kingdom (was the first “arthouse film” i watched on my first personal laptop in 2015, also i hv memories of the trailer playing all the time on directtvnow when i was 12, so overall personal connection plus it just being a gorgeous and heartwarming film) 9.3/10
GrandBudapest Hotel (9/10))
Fantastic Mr Fox (8.9/10)
The Royal Tenenbaums (8.8/10)
Darjeeling (8.5/10)
Isle of dogs (6.5/10)
bottle rocket (Havent seen)
rush more (havent seen)
life aquatic (5/10
Rushmore is amazing, probably his funniest imo
Moonrise and darjeeling way too low
Life aquatic objectively his worst, literally fell asleep to it and cant remember what it was about
Isle of dogs second to last, hvnt seen rushmore and bottle rocket
darjeeling a bottom tier wes. life aquatic a top tier wes.
Willem Dafoe character in life Aquatic was my favorite part from that film
Dope ranking tho I’d put moonrise abit higher
Edward Norton was fun to watch
once youve seen one of them youve seen them all
Moonrise Kingdom 8.5
Grand Budapest Hotel 8.5
Isle of Dogs 8
Fantastic Mr. Fox 8
Rushmore 8
Royal Tenenbaums 7.5
Haven’t seen the others
Grand budapest hotel goes hard when you high
It’s so f***ing good rewatched on comedian of shrooms before and was even better