Yeah next time I shouldve exchanged numbers…
Germans are so soft now. Get hit by one car and they’re like “Tut mir leid, dass Sie mich mit Ihrem Auto überfahren haben, Herr. Es war meine Schuld, dass ich am Leben war”
😭 im sorry its how I was raised I panicked
You was on a bike so the driver of the car is automatically in the wrong then
Although it might be different where you live
that sounded scary af, im glad it didn't turn out worse
hope you're okay @Kenig
Thank god they didn’t seek any damages? You’re the one that should be seeking damages tf
Germans still have such collective shame and insecurity about coming off as the least bit aggressive ever since WW2 that they’re afraid to even hold people accountable for running them over
I promise NATO isn’t going to nuke Berlin if you get your medical bills paid for op
Germans are so soft now. Get hit by one car and they’re like “Tut mir leid, dass Sie mich mit Ihrem Auto überfahren haben, Herr. Es war meine Schuld, dass ich am Leben war”
I read this in Claus voice from American Dad
I read this in Claus voice from American Dad
I read it in Klaus Schwab voice
The fact that u didn't immediately call the police says a lot but I'm not gonna roast u
Next time u get in an accident of any kind call the police. Get their tags and ideally insurance info. But definitely get their tags. And don't be nice about that s*** tell them they f***ed up an we gonna have to figure this situation out
Thread ghostwritten by @backflippin
im glad ur alive