The Christmas album was mega trash
Believe was just as trash
Journals was good to fall asleep too
Purpose was mega trash
I used to be a stan! pre 2011 biebs had classics on classics on classics
Inb4 justin himself enters thread
:( I miss young biebs
I understand where you are coming from, but we gotta grow up fam, we can't stay the same forever
I understand where you are coming from, but we gotta grow up fam, we can't stay the same forever
Good thing we have Tory and nav to save music in general fam
Purpose was trash??? Op plzzz give adult bieb another chance
The song with alsey was fire
Sorry was fire
Where are u now was fire
Song with big Sean was semi fire
What do you mean was good
The rest was utter trash
The song with alsey was fire
Sorry was fire
Where are u now was fire
Song with big Sean was semi fire
What do you mean was good
The rest was utter trash
Love Yourself was heat too.
Respect your opinion tho. Alotta people say that albums first half is 10/10 And the second part is mid
op is a preteen
Love Yourself was heat too.
Respect your opinion tho. Alotta people say that albums first half is 10/10 And the second part is mid
Yeah bro second half was mad trash and I deluxe was even worse
You’re either trolling or stupid
Biebs is the voice of a generation
Mufucka hopped on Maria I’m drunk before it was Popular to be white and adopt modern black culture