fell off after Believe honestly
peak bieber
You’re either trolling or stupid
Biebs is the voice of a generation
Mufucka hopped on Maria I’m drunk before it was Popular to be white and adopt modern black culture
Just because he has a song with two overrated trash borderline autistic artists like thug and Travis Scott, doesn’t make him good! Your either deaf or a yes-man
Just because he has a song with two overrated trash borderline autistic artists like thug and Travis Scott, doesn’t make him good! Your either deaf or a yes-man
you know that calling someone autistic isn't really an insult, right?
Bieber x Skrillex = GOAT duo
You’re either trolling or stupid
Biebs is the voice of a generation
Mufucka hopped on Maria I’m drunk before it was Popular to be white and adopt modern black culture
no actually you’re the one trolling with posts like this lmao
you know that calling someone autistic isn't really an insult, right?
Who said I was insulting them?
Imagine saying this BS. Purpose a classic.
Making 6 songs out 20 good doesn’t make an album good! Stop being so naive
rebember when he asked 20M likes on ig for releasing his album before christmas and got stuck at 11
love him tho
rebember when he asked 20M likes on ig for releasing his album before christmas and got stuck at 11
Thank you!
Journals his best project easily. You sleepin hard