sounds like they're in the right. Kanye has a massive history of borderline theft
reading that small description of the case (which could’ve left out info ykno), that doesn’t seem to be it. they’re sayin the sunday service streams led ppl to buy yeezy s*** in a “twist of e-commerce” that they’re trying to make
just sounds like a patent piranha cus all i remember of SS/merch is the obvious Coachella one (not a strong case cus many artists do festival merch) and the JIK one (again, not very strong, artists doin merch for their albums is normal)
mby when that sunday service website was directly hosting streams? if so, i don’t remember how those were leading ppl to buy Yeezy merch in any unique “twist of e-commerce” way other than maybe a shop button? idk i rly don’t remember anything standing out
plus the prosecution would have to prove that the SS streams were actually linked to ppls buying things as opposed to the more common sense interpretation which is that ye is his own marketing to some extent — anything he does in some field he’s a part of has a chance of influencing ppl to buy his clothes. that’s kinda how he’s worked Yeezy into the kindamainstream this whole time
ah s***, it's that time of the year again isn't it
Why we argue anyway?
Oh I forgot. It's summertime.
MyChannel's 'complaint' is that Sunday Service stole their technology by streaming its performances
What a bullshit reason
why is anyone itt taking the side of a corporate attorney
You realize Ye’s are the same level of attorney right lol?
Kanye is probably worth more than this company lmao
To be fair, this is kinda Kanye in general. He's diverted between being a funny dude with a good heart and an ignorant, pretentious a****** his entire career.
I think he overstepped too, but we also don't know all the details of the case at hand. He just stepped off a divorce case, is dealing with a ton of projects, and this is around the time that his manic phase usually pops off onto the public eye-- it's not excusable but it's understandable.
My whole point was this behavior altough understandable shouldn't be championed imo
Some stans treat every single one of his antics like a statement he's making
They treat him like a movie character and it's weird at best and dehumanizing at worst imo
My whole point was this behavior altough understandable shouldn't be championed imo
Some stans treat every single one of his antics like a statement he's making
They treat him like a movie character and it's weird at best and dehumanizing at worst imo
Is he supposed to act nice to a criminal justice system wasting his time?
Is he supposed to act nice to a criminal justice system wasting his time?
I already explained several posts back that there are more mature and/or witty ways to tell them off
No one itt afaik claimed he should be "nice"
All I'm saying is y'all look goofy championing a grown black man, father of four behaving like a rebellious, impulsive teenager
Then again, y'all maybe see y'all selves in him or genuinely believe that he's a standard for how grown folk should adress adversity.
How this man gets Irina shayk, all his swag back with the mask, and is the topic of the day again after ONE WEEK?!
Ye is free from the Kardashian curse
My whole point was this behavior altough understandable shouldn't be championed imo
Some stans treat every single one of his antics like a statement he's making
They treat him like a movie character and it's weird at best and dehumanizing at worst imo
Shut up
Shut up
Tell the ye stans to stop replying to me then 🤡
I posted one post, one sentence and some got triggered...
Tell the ye stans to stop replying to me then 🤡
I posted one post, one sentence and some got triggered...
Tell the ye stans to stop replying to me then 🤡
I posted one post, one sentence and some got triggered...
So are you the hole of a donut or like one of the small delectable donut pieces referred to as a “donut hole”
So are you the hole of a donut or like one of the small delectable donut pieces referred to as a “donut hole”
The latter 😅
The latter 😅
F*** you, pig.