  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I already explained several posts back that there are more mature and/or witty ways to tell them off

    No one itt afaik claimed he should be "nice"

    All I'm saying is y'all look goofy championing a grown black man, father of four behaving like a rebellious, impulsive teenager

    Then again, y'all maybe see y'all selves in him or genuinely believe that he's a standard for how grown folk should adress adversity.

    We see ourselves in him, plus it was funny.

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Wow...y'all really encouraging this bad behavior...

    Just take a mental note of the ppl encouraging this s*** and compare it to their reaction to whatever antics Nicki pulls before her next album

    All jokes aside, I think most of the excitement around this is based on the fact that he’s clearly not being Christ-like anymore, which suggests that his next album won’t be like Jesus is King.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    We see ourselves in him, plus it was funny.

    Why this man want us to take some random court case deadly serious

    If it was the one about the workers not getting paid and s*** fair enough. But who gives a f*** about this

    It's clear Kanye an eccentric and will be an eccentric until the day he dies. him getting older was never going to change that. That's what people find funny @donut Kanye a crazy personality who makes the world more interesting. A lot of people hated him 1 for that. Others like that in the world

  • DonutHole

    My whole point was this behavior altough understandable shouldn't be championed imo

    Some stans treat every single one of his antics like a statement he's making

    They treat him like a movie character and it's weird at best and dehumanizing at worst imo

    this is low key true but gat me hollin

  • Jun 11, 2021

    My whole point was this behavior altough understandable shouldn't be championed imo

    Some stans treat every single one of his antics like a statement he's making

    They treat him like a movie character and it's weird at best and dehumanizing at worst imo

    I can agree with that.

  • Jun 11, 2021

  • f*** allat coon s***

  • Jun 11, 2021
    · edited

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Just take a mental note of the ppl encouraging this s*** and compare it to their reaction to whatever antics Nicki pulls before her next album

    All jokes aside, I think most of the excitement around this is based on the fact that he’s clearly not being Christ-like anymore, which suggests that his next album won’t be like Jesus is King.

    How is someone being himself the same as nicki doing something with 6ix9 or selling sex? cus thats all its gonna be . hardly comparable.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    some people came iTT just to s*** on people for getting entertainment out of a situation Kanye himself probably laughed at why even be in here

  • Jun 11, 2021
    · edited

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Among other things, West called MyChannel's counsel "boy" several times and refused to answer even basic questions during the "profanity-laced tirade," according to the motion. The rapper also claimed that his "mental genius-ness" required him to use his phone while being deposed and that the attorney was "in a movie of West's creation," the company alleged.

  • Jun 14, 2021

    I already explained several posts back that there are more mature and/or witty ways to tell them off

    No one itt afaik claimed he should be "nice"

    All I'm saying is y'all look goofy championing a grown black man, father of four behaving like a rebellious, impulsive teenager

    Then again, y'all maybe see y'all selves in him or genuinely believe that he's a standard for how grown folk should adress adversity.

    A deposition is not adversity lmao

  • Jun 14, 2021
    · edited

  • Jun 14, 2021

    Doesn’t sound secular

  • MiniVan

  • Jun 14, 2021

    this is some stupid s***. ye handled it like a goat

  • Jun 14, 2021
    1 reply

    imagine this in the movie of his life a la the social network vibes

  • Jun 14, 2021

    the thought of kanye repeatedly calling this white dude Boy is hilarious

  • Jun 14, 2021
    1 reply

    imagine this in the movie of his life a la the social network vibes

    even better imagining danny mcbride playing kanye

  • Jun 14, 2021

    Kanye swearing again

    We might actually get a classic

  • Jun 16, 2021

    the more i digest this the funnier it becomes, he was bragging to his lawyers and they just went "yeah ye u wild for this "

    i just hope he's being a regular a****** and this isn't an indicator that he's entering a manic episode again. if he rly is ramping up then it's not funny

  • Jun 16, 2021

    even better imagining danny mcbride playing kanye

    Great movie
