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  • Oct 18, 2022

    @op lil bro reading through the lines

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply

    people coming itt to dismiss the long post

  • jordan at wizards

    people coming itt to dismiss the long post

    yes. long post. too long for you? don't read then lol

  • Oct 18, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    im in college rn, honors program, all As

    dont worry bout me, im fine


  • Oct 18, 2022

    performance art fr

    one way to think of it, yeah

    living/action as statement/art

  • Oct 18, 2022


    thx king

  • Oct 19, 2022

    Whole lotta cope

  • Oct 19, 2022
    1 reply

    As someone who read the Tao Te Ching almost every day for a whole year in lockdown, nah, dude is just really f***ing unwell.

  • Oct 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    im in college rn, honors program, all As

    dont worry bout me, im fine

    eat his ass bro

  • Oct 19, 2022

    eat his ass bro

  • Oct 19, 2022
    1 reply

    As someone who read the Tao Te Ching almost every day for a whole year in lockdown, nah, dude is just really f***ing unwell.

    im comparing him to Zhuang Zi not Lao Zi

  • fashion killa

    im comparing him to Zhuang Zi not Lao Zi

    oh true

  • Oct 19, 2022

    interesting take @op

  • Oct 19, 2022

    Bro they really should study yall brains

  • Oct 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    Let's go through his recent controversies.

    The white lives matter thing was Demna inspo, the point is to get people talking about his fashion show. Demna been doing the same s*** for years now, putting deliberately controversial pieces in his shows to drum up publicity. I'd wager that Ye really doesn't care about white lives matter very much at all, in the sense that he's not really for or against what they stand for. I'm pretty sure he's much more interested in the "taboo" nature of the phrase.

    The wylin on twitter is Ye trying to figure out who sets the rules we live by. I'm pretty sure the anti-jew tweets don't come from genuine negative feelings towards jewish people. Again, like the white lives matter shirts, he just wants to say something that you're "not supposed to say". The idea is this: we learn something along the lines of "don't say these particular things or else..." and Ye is trynna find out "or else what?"

    In other words, he's trying to directly confront societal norms. The end goal here is to figure out who sets these norms and who enforces these norms. Societal norms will always benefit some people more than others; it isn't completely unreasonable to think that those with the power to affect social norms would use that power to mold said norms to their benefit. If one assumes this to be the case, the next questions that must be asked are "who are these people who are molding society?", "what is their goal?", and "how are they going about accomplishing that goal?"

    The reason I am bringing up Taoism is because of Kanye's approach to answering these questions. He isn't sitting in a library doing research, he's using his own words and life to conjure an answer. Zhaung Zi, one of the foundational figures of taoist philosophy, introduces the concept of using words like a fish trap. When you use a fish trap, you put it in the river, catch the fish, and then you have no need for the trap anymore. Consider the make of the trap; how it's put together doesn't matter as long as you catch the fish you want. In the same way, the specific words you use (the trap) don't really matter, as long as they let the listener catch the true meaning (the fish). Scholars refer to this way of speaking as "goblet words". the specific words themselves are empty to the one speaking; they are designed to be filled by the listener, like a goblet.

    Kanye is using "goblet words". I'm pretty sure the controversial s*** he's saying isn't actually reflective of what he personally believes, he's just using that as a tool to get a certain reaction, to sort of "poke the beast" in order to see its face.

    yes. long post. too long for you? don't read then lol

    Let’s say your theory is correct, and the metaphorical “beast” is this Jewish gatekeeping conglomerate.

    Surely Ye understands that lumping all Jewish people into this small gatekeeping group is dangerous, correct?

    Like Jewish people aren’t monolith like black people aren’t monolith.

  • Oct 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Let’s say your theory is correct, and the metaphorical “beast” is this Jewish gatekeeping conglomerate.

    Surely Ye understands that lumping all Jewish people into this small gatekeeping group is dangerous, correct?

    Like Jewish people aren’t monolith like black people aren’t monolith.

    yeah if u read my other post i talked about this.

    the "beast" he's trynna poke? it's a pretty abstract thing. There's not really any tangible a***og to it. Saying "it's XYZ person/people" is misunderstanding the broad societal scope and abstract nature of the "beast".

    Most people have negative feelings towards the "beast", and it's much much easier to direct negative feelings towards something tangible as opposed to an abstract concept. It can be very tempting to tie "the beast" to a person or group to basically say "these people are why society is all f***ed up right now".

    Of course, that's not actually how it works. Social change comes from the shifting of the cultural tides, it's a very large-scale thing. Tying it to an individual or a group of individuals will only misdirect negative feelings and create more suffering.

    Basically, I'm saying that even though I get where Kanye's coming from, he's making a pretty big mistake.

  • Oct 19, 2022
    fashion killa

    yeah if u read my other post i talked about this.

    the "beast" he's trynna poke? it's a pretty abstract thing. There's not really any tangible a***og to it. Saying "it's XYZ person/people" is misunderstanding the broad societal scope and abstract nature of the "beast".

    Most people have negative feelings towards the "beast", and it's much much easier to direct negative feelings towards something tangible as opposed to an abstract concept. It can be very tempting to tie "the beast" to a person or group to basically say "these people are why society is all f***ed up right now".

    Of course, that's not actually how it works. Social change comes from the shifting of the cultural tides, it's a very large-scale thing. Tying it to an individual or a group of individuals will only misdirect negative feelings and create more suffering.

    Basically, I'm saying that even though I get where Kanye's coming from, he's making a pretty big mistake.

    the other way to look at it would be this:

    maybe Kanye realizes everything i laid out here. He gets that saying "it's all the fault of the Jewish people" would be wrong. Maybe when he says the word "jews" he isn't referring to Jewish people (religious or ethnic), but instead using "jew" as sort of an empty word (goblet word).

    Yes this is a crazy reach. Do I genuinely think Kanye has gone down this path of thought? Did he read Zhuang Zi and get inspired? Probably not, but it's not impossible...

  • Oct 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Kanye in the fish alien thread

  • Oct 21, 2022
    1 reply

    That tweet wasn't on some questioning society and making people ponder s***. That was a guy who has extreme jealous tendencies expressing anger

    He's recently gone on record that he's extremely angry and not OK solely at the fact that Jarod Kushner(?) owns a bigger stake of SKIMs than him.

    He's mad people who have control don't fall to his knees

    He's mad at Virgil just because he achieved greatness

    He lashes at anything that threatens him and his power

    That's not okay

  • Oct 23, 2022
    exclave oasis

    Kanye in the fish alien thread

  • Oct 23, 2022
    fashion killa

    im in college rn, honors program, all As

    dont worry bout me, im fine

    Yaaaas tell’em sis

  • space face

    “Who sets the societal norms that you can’t discriminate against people based solely on their race/ethnicity?” is not a compelling philosophical question to answer in the 21st century, especially when the converse of the question is still prevalent in society for basically every marginalized group.

    Who says you can’t push a random stroller on the street in front of a car? 🤔 like who set that societal norm 🤔 I’m gon find out type s***

  • Freshie

    That tweet wasn't on some questioning society and making people ponder s***. That was a guy who has extreme jealous tendencies expressing anger

    He's recently gone on record that he's extremely angry and not OK solely at the fact that Jarod Kushner(?) owns a bigger stake of SKIMs than him.

    He's mad people who have control don't fall to his knees

    He's mad at Virgil just because he achieved greatness

    He lashes at anything that threatens him and his power

    That's not okay

  • Oct 23, 2022
    1 reply

    @op suffering from a severe case of

    and yeah, I read the post.

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