Sheck on his Fame Monster Gaga s***
Legitimately pissed I didn’t spend my life savings on a flight and a ticket to see sheck Wes scream
Don't f*** up so bad next time
Money comes and goes. Life experiences don't. Someday you won't be able to be spontaneous and do what you.
Choir sounds really familiar can’t put my finger on it
Someone said it’s the U Mad beat
Choir sounds really familiar can’t put my finger on it
sounds like the sunday service choir
in before all of the new white boomer republican fans from JIK call this a satanic performance
Honestly this would have been 100x better if Kanye was playing Sheck’s part.
Honestly this would have been 100x better if Kanye was playing Sheck’s part.
Not skinny and tall enough
need kanye to narrate the whole bible
i was saying he should drop an audio book
When thinking of Shecks career trajectory, I woulda never thought of him being the main character in an opera
this wild
Kanye need to make an appearance as Jesus at the end, bring some controversy to this
Someone said it’s the U Mad beat
makes sense since this is the "neb goes mad" portion of the story