Kanye need to make an appearance as Jesus at the end, bring some controversy to this
When thinking of Shecks career trajectory, I woulda never thought of him being the main character in an opera
this wild
That’s been written in stone since mo bamba
in before all of the new white boomer republican fans from JIK call this a satanic performance
mah they’re gonna love this
Yo i'm pretty sure this is the most we've ever heard Kanye speak in one night at any point in his career
kanye could have never played shecks character he would have been out of breathe in act 2
Guys this s*** is awful
But subjectively I love it
Kanye need to make an appearance as Jesus at the end, bring some controversy to this
in before all of the new white boomer republican fans from JIK call this a satanic performance
i can already see people saying the kardashians are witches and we need to pray for ye
in before all of the new white boomer republican fans from JIK call this a satanic performance
Honestly I can see extreme left twitter hating this instead
imagine Kanye tossing and turning in his sleep, up all night cause he's so upset that Sheck ruined his Bible show but he won't talk to Kim about it cause he's embarrassed
My mom just asked who’s that purple poncho guy cause I’m tearing up to his performance rn
kanye could have never played shecks character he would have been out of breathe in act 2