Honestly its pretty cool how we've reached a point where rappers can realistically get #1s but any songs that charted back then were pretty amazing considering how much the industry prevented black people from getting numbers on the board
Ye came up in a time when black people were dominating the charts. Clay Aiken was the only white person to have a #1 song from 03-04 lol
Ever been to a Kanye concert?
Endless classic hits
What's a Kanye contest? I assume it involves mostly white boy ages 15-24
this is actually making me think. the average millennial can probably name, Gold Digger, Stronger, Love Lockdown, Heartless, Niggas In Paris, Father Stretch My Hands, Black Skinhead,All of the lights, Runaway, Power and Bound 2
almost forgot Blood on the leaves and Otis
Stop pitting a top 5 rapper OAT vs Kanye
It’s disrespectful
To Kanye whos top 1
Objectively drake has more hits but hiphop people like kanye more
Drake has s*** hits
What's a Kanye contest? I assume it involves mostly white boy ages 15-24
lmaoooooo and drake concerts are white women from 15-24
yep cause clubs are so poppin in 2020
play runaway at any house party and you can deadass turn volume off after intro and people will spit every bar. its magical
lmaoooooo and drake concerts are white women from 15-24
Concert? We're talking about a Kanye contest