you said hits not club bangers.
this is a hit battle not how many songs can ya'll play in a club
i’m sorry for bumpin this y’all,
in the end kanye got the quality, drake got the quantity.
my 55 year old afghan mom regularly listens to 808s & Heartbreak
cool ass mom
my 55 year old afghan mom regularly listens to 808s & Heartbreak
immigrant gang
I thought y'all were going to try to set this up over twitch or something. Who won that?
I think Kanye's hits have stood the test of time more than Drake's tbh
yeah i don’t think a single hit drake has had is gonna have the longevity gold digger has
I don't think anyone disputes that.this is similar to MJ vs. Prince and no im not comparing their greatness to Ye and Drake but it's not about the quantity of hits but if you have 20 from each side which side prevails.
Stop pitting a top 5 rapper OAT vs Kanye
It’s disrespectful
Kanye has like 4 albums better than Drakes best one
the first piano note in runaway is more iconic than anything drake has ever done artistically or commercially
niggas dont gotta accept
niggas just gotta accept
Kanye has like 4 albums better than Drakes best one
You can jerk off to that elsewhere, he’s still lower on the all time list
Yeah Drake has a higher amount of hits that goes without saying it's boring and pointless to even talk about. Drake doesn't have a Gold Digger/Jesus Walks/Stronger
Both of these can be true there really needs to be no debate but whatever
You can jerk off to that elsewhere, he’s still lower on the all time list
Lower lows and doesn’t have higher highs
Did he ever run a summer? A year? A decade?
You can jerk off to that elsewhere, he’s still lower on the all time list
To who?
Cause if I remember correctly this hit battle was done a few times on twitter and Kanye damn near swept every battle
To who?
Cause if I remember correctly this hit battle was done a few times on twitter and Kanye damn near swept every battle