Not sure if version in OP is the updated version or not but I can DM you the best/tagged version
I got it directly from deely
Yeah but if I just put Hollywood bowl I don’t know if everybody would know
Yeah I gotchu, might be helpful info to add to OP
Not sure if version in OP is the updated version or not but I can DM you the best/tagged version
send me bro
Not sure if version in OP is the updated version or not but I can DM you the best/tagged version
send that this way
This version of coldest winter is crazy, wish it had the little prelude it had in the show tho
Not sure if version in OP is the updated version or not but I can DM you the best/tagged version
Can you Post Malone me the file my brother
I need that live version of Pinocchio story bad
Bad News too
That freestyle is just what the song needed and I prefer it way more than the original
Not sure if version in OP is the updated version or not but I can DM you the best/tagged version
cool to have these CDQ but please remove link @op