yeah and something about him ripping into American ideology is just so irresistible to me lol.
Something Ye's doing that I actually like a lot is encouraging nuance. In today's society, it's so common for some bad aspect of a person to come to light, and then suddenly all aspects of the person are bad now. Sometimes that extends to that person's friends, and even any work they were involved in. I think that's dumb. X's music was hard before I found out how f***ed up he was to his girlfriend, and it's still hard after.
We must go back to understanding people as aggregates of multiple aspects, not as total wholes. It's healthy to be able to say that I don't like or approve of Kodak's crimes and questionable statements/actions, but I do absolutely love his music. That's much healthier than agreeing with everything he does or pretending I don't like his music. It's separating the wheat from the chaff, not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And we've been sucking at that, as of late.
u should do research into accelerationism
this article is a good starting point because it introduces the idealogy and attempts to connect it to a new form of black radical politics / culture
your friend is kind of stupid for falling for the meme. obviously Ye has no issues with your friend.
saying this is like saying “you can’t be offended when a racist troll is being blatantly racist” tho 😭😭😭
Hitler is viewed as pure evil. S*** at the time he posted the Trump hat Trump was viewed as modern day pure evil. Is any human pure evil literally ? No. But the trauma people face in reality they don't want to hear "well this KKK member, mass shooter or racist was still created by God and was at one time a normal human being then was corrupted by satan". They don't want to hear the idea of loving everybody when they live in fear of certain things which is logical there. Ye isn't pure evil. He just uses shock value, triggering, evoking history to create reactions some that have value to change our perspective. Others don't really have value and just draw attention to him.
I am left leaning progressive and a Nigga. I don't believe any human is pure evil. I don't like the prison system or death penalty. I am pro choice. I have seen, interviewed, have people in family that are hyper religious like Ye. I have followed hotep niggas on twitter to see their view or take a peek at right wing things without reacting even if I disagree.
A lot of these humans including Candace Owens aren't evil to me they are at times contrarian to build a following. But contrarian isn't even the word because they do believe it. I am one that thinks like Jon Stewart worded more eloquently silencing them. Telling them all they are hated. Telling them they are pure evil often only reinforces their ideas. We have to be able to have discussions without shooting the messenger all the time because regardless of what people feel about ye saying calling him crazy, stupid, dumb, nazi , hatefilled, narcissst etc. what he is saying are views held by many in America and again approach them with knowledge. S*** that is one thing I can commend Alex Jones for lol he had s*** printed out with knowledge so its not just him telling Ye something he can directly be like "boom here is fact that you can't disagree with" did he use that entirely correctly without agenda ? No. But we have to present information concrete some times with people
real asf, yeah I fully agree
Okay but what is his end goal? To make everyone hate him? Cause cool yeah hes not hating on all Jews only the ones that fit his silly tinfoil conspiracy, now what?
post youre responding to is benefit of the doubt x10000000000000
feel like some people are reading more into it than what it is
do we say candance owens is encouraging nuance? or that hermain cain was?
there are some ppl of color with those beliefs n they gonna be...over there.
i was only being dismissive earlier @hanshan bc atp i feel like giving it this much thought only feeds this machine further
he wins by staying ambiguous enough to have ppl like us constantly be like “but he’s not really a nazi!”
but intent doesn’t matter when the impact is this large and i can’t really intellectualize someone explicitly saying”i like hitler” like he’s a kid in a classroom when he’s one of the most influential people of the 21st century.
the thing is, he's not really a Nazi
and you're probably right, us talking about it definitely helps further his right-wing goals. But so does calling him a Nazi. Ye is quite literally banking on you calling him a Nazi, that's the entire purpose of this strategy. If he's not actually a Nazi, but the left calls him a Nazi, well, we have the recipe Trump used to get into the white house.
all of this i 100% agree with but let’s be honest
the average person isn’t following this train of thought, not even saying this on some “we’re smart enough to think this way” i just don’t think most ppl are giving kanye this much time of day
the problem is all of the “exposing hypocrisies” rhetoric/trolling can happen
it’s just childish and makes anyone who tries to point out these hypocrisies look like they’re alt right at worst contrarian at best to the general public
it hurts the greater good ultimately and that’s what makes it insidious imo, bc as far gone as he is, he is most definitely aware of this impact
I agree with all of what you say besides "he is definitely aware of his impact". This gets into the platforming influence etc thing. I don't think he thinks that him saying something can lead to violence in real life. I am personally of the idea the January 6 people, mass shooters or any neo nazi, trump supporter anyone is responsible for their own actions them saying "trump encouraged us with tweets or a speech " isnt a defense . The gun didn't do it. Rittenhouse watching Fox News didn't do it he did at the end of the day. However in Ye case where he is infinitely more religious than I am if someone does something good or christ like it is God speaking to them or through them. If someone does something not it is Satan or controlled by Zionist.
Again he ended his twitter account posting Ari Emmanuel hosing down Elon Musk and with "who made you the judge" to get at the idea of free speech and "ari emmanuel made you the judge because he helped broker the deal to buy twitter". Even though they used to be friends and close again Ye thinks a Jew or a zionist handler exist behind everyone partially because he thinks they are handling the "contracts" of everyone even billionaires "can freeze their apple pay" , "bank accounts", lead to in his mind him not getting the louie vuittion deal because the person recommended to him handled the business wrong, jewish doctor. He believes they control so many units of power so he at first wanted to question them but did so very harshly drunk and high definitely didn't help
then once he was called antisemitic once he leaned into black jews then eventually as now leaned into Nazism and Hitler. Do I think Ye is a violent person or wants anyone to die ? No not really. I think he admires that Hitler united a poor class of people who felt they had nothing. In terms of Germany being forced to pay for the events of world war 1. Then once someone got in his ear likely about "they offered jewish people time to leave" "operation paperclip" and how many famous geniuses or artist were in some way antisemitic it was doomed
I am surprised he hasn't gotten to the point of mentioning how Einstein was a Jewish genius but begged for a later regretted the creation of the atom bomb. The idea that to a lot of people throughout history their "Hitler " is different. Again history written by the winners. Same as the idea that Afghanistan and Iraq were worse after the wars than before the "freedom" that the USA gave them
post youre responding to is benefit of the doubt x10000000000000
feel like some people are reading more into it than what it is
do we say candance owens is encouraging nuance? or that hermain cain was?
there are some ppl of color with those beliefs n they gonna be...over there.
candace owens and hermain cain are not employing the same rhetoric as Kanye is.
all the political pundits we normally see fall into the ideology of the democrat party or the republican party. Candace Owens and Herman Cain are in this category.
Ye is on a 3rd, kinda wild fundamentalist bible-fueled ideology. Does that make it inherently better? No, but it does make it different.
i was only being dismissive earlier @hanshan bc atp i feel like giving it this much thought only feeds this machine further
he wins by staying ambiguous enough to have ppl like us constantly be like “but he’s not really a nazi!”
but intent doesn’t matter when the impact is this large and i can’t really intellectualize someone explicitly saying”i like hitler” like he’s a kid in a classroom when he’s one of the most influential people of the 21st century.
I don't give it thought because of Ye at this point because as I said he partially has a death wish. He is going through a lot and lost a lot of connection to humanity. I give it a thought because going forward with humanity wise and our cycles of voting we do feel like we are in a loop. Protest stopped are there many things worth protesting still ? Yes. But they stop. We protest when they evoke enough trauma out of us. If they say they need to send billions in Ukraine but need to double check on forgiving student loans with crazy interest rates we say "okay sure". Much of it again based on algorithms on twitter , instagram, facebook that gets people stuck in a feedback loop. We don't have human conversations like this anymore without attacking each other both in person or online without someone wanting to be like "nah you evil" "you a contrarian" "you are a nuthugger" when in reality every 4 and 2 years we are given a binary choice, a few ballot measures and people that don't represent us . On a Planet that will only sustain life so much longer just making it bill wise, commuting to work all of those things while crime, inflation self worth purpose goes down. So eventually many of us reach a "whats the point level" especially if we are less religious.
the thing is, he's not really a Nazi
and you're probably right, us talking about it definitely helps further his right-wing goals. But so does calling him a Nazi. Ye is quite literally banking on you calling him a Nazi, that's the entire purpose of this strategy. If he's not actually a Nazi, but the left calls him a Nazi, well, we have the recipe Trump used to get into the white house.
and this is big for him to say "even if you critique some people with words they will call you a Nazi, antisemitic or take control". Because this started with him questioning business practices. Did he use a stereotype on an entire people ? Yes. Was it wrong ? Yes. But in his mind its the same as sociology or the idea that we are all some level of prejudice for survival.
u should do research into accelerationism
this article is a good starting point because it introduces the idealogy and attempts to connect it to a new form of black radical politics / culture
interesting article yeah
I already know and kinda love accelerationism lol
If I do end up voting for Ye, it will be out of accelerationist feelings.
the thing is, he's not really a Nazi
and you're probably right, us talking about it definitely helps further his right-wing goals. But so does calling him a Nazi. Ye is quite literally banking on you calling him a Nazi, that's the entire purpose of this strategy. If he's not actually a Nazi, but the left calls him a Nazi, well, we have the recipe Trump used to get into the white house.
I think the difference is, with Trump, people could say 'Leftists call anyone they disagree with nazis!', whereas with Kanye, who has said 'I love Hitler' and 'I'm a nazi', there's not as much ground for people to push that talking point
And while I do think that conservatives being disenchanted with 'deplorables'-type language being levelled against them was a factor in Trump's popularity, Trump's election was the result of a lot more than just that, and I don't think Kanye could feasibly get anywhere near the presidency
To the majority of voters he currently appears as a mentally unstable black nazi who hangs out with white supremacists, he's got something for everyone to hate, the hardcore racists won't vote for him because he's black, the majority of people who disapprove of nazism won't vote for him because of him invoking it, the extreme anti-blackness of Nick Fuentes and the other ghouls Kanye associates with will definitely harm his popularity with black voters, and in general he's a rambling maniac who talks to nets with no clear plans besides adhering to The Bible in all matters of policy, which will put off everyone apart from the most fervant Christians, he's like a bullet that hits every major organ, there is no world in which this man gains a majority of votes
interesting article yeah
I already know and kinda love accelerationism lol
If I do end up voting for Ye, it will be out of accelerationist feelings.
lol okay that makes sense
yea i think it’s an agree to disagree kinda thing
i used to be more on your wavelength with this but idek i kinda shifted my thinking past couple months
Ye might’ve been able to spin the MAGA stuff and even WLM into some faux deep meaning to save face but Hitler/Nazis is something that no relevant social/political/corporate entity is ever gonna wanna be associated with
even if someone like Trump flirts with white supremacy rhetoric to rile up his base, he would never dare mention Hitler in a positive light
i’d probably get behind accelerationism if i didn’t have little siblings
that s*** will def influence ur politics and for me makes it hard to push ye to be more controversial for the sake of “destroying amerikkka”
your friend is kind of stupid for falling for the meme. obviously Ye has no issues with your friend.
Nah his friend can be heart broken . It makes sense to a degree but I just think people shouldn't rewrite the good memories they had about someone get into too much what ifs or regret about what they can't change versus what they can
I don't give it thought because of Ye at this point because as I said he partially has a death wish. He is going through a lot and lost a lot of connection to humanity. I give it a thought because going forward with humanity wise and our cycles of voting we do feel like we are in a loop. Protest stopped are there many things worth protesting still ? Yes. But they stop. We protest when they evoke enough trauma out of us. If they say they need to send billions in Ukraine but need to double check on forgiving student loans with crazy interest rates we say "okay sure". Much of it again based on algorithms on twitter , instagram, facebook that gets people stuck in a feedback loop. We don't have human conversations like this anymore without attacking each other both in person or online without someone wanting to be like "nah you evil" "you a contrarian" "you are a nuthugger" when in reality every 4 and 2 years we are given a binary choice, a few ballot measures and people that don't represent us . On a Planet that will only sustain life so much longer just making it bill wise, commuting to work all of those things while crime, inflation self worth purpose goes down. So eventually many of us reach a "whats the point level" especially if we are less religious.
i agree i do feel like we need the gadfly socrates talked about that provokes thought and gets us to question all these things we take for granted, accept as okay (if that’s what you’re getting at)
but at the same time i think where we disagree is does he have any responsibility for the violence (physical, emotional, whatever) that comes out of rhetoric like this
i don’t have a good argument against it rn bc i’m watching better call saul rn and atp i’m kinda losing steam on this
i do agree with the sentiments y’all bring up, but idek anymore
I think the difference is, with Trump, people could say 'Leftists call anyone they disagree with nazis!', whereas with Kanye, who has said 'I love Hitler' and 'I'm a nazi', there's not as much ground for people to push that talking point
And while I do think that conservatives being disenchanted with 'deplorables'-type language being levelled against them was a factor in Trump's popularity, Trump's election was the result of a lot more than just that, and I don't think Kanye could feasibly get anywhere near the presidency
To the majority of voters he currently appears as a mentally unstable black nazi who hangs out with white supremacists, he's got something for everyone to hate, the hardcore racists won't vote for him because he's black, the majority of people who disapprove of nazism won't vote for him because of him invoking it, the extreme anti-blackness of Nick Fuentes and the other ghouls Kanye associates with will definitely harm his popularity with black voters, and in general he's a rambling maniac who talks to nets with no clear plans besides adhering to The Bible in all matters of policy, which will put off everyone apart from the most fervant Christians, he's like a bullet that hits every major organ, there is no world in which this man gains a majority of votes
if my a***ysis of his strategy is correct, Ye will keep up the anti-Mossad rhetoric all the way through primaries, but by the time we're seeing debates the Nazi stuff will be old news and we'll be talking about some other ridiculous business.
I legit can't wrap my head around WHY he wants to be in the depressing world of politics....
In the good timeline he'd be taking 4 year breaks between albums right now, chillen with his kids, and having Sunday brunches with Jay and Beyonce every week.
If this was really about helping ppl, he could have offered significantly more help to the black youth as rapper Kanye West, than he ever would as President Kanye West...
Just makes me sad that he legit burned all of his bridges just like that.
Killed every single REAL friendship that he had in the industry.
He's probably not worried about it now.... but I'm quite sure once's his kids are old enough to understand how badly he harrassed Kim, and see all of these comments, his relationship with them will become strained. Especially if he doesn't make an effort to change(which he won't).
It's honestly just depressing how he's going to be walking through life with no genuine relationships.
Also I feel like a lot of these arguments are overlooking the Holocaust stuff, the man really seems to have an issue with it and Jews 'controlling the history books', that part doesn't seem possible to spin as an 'I'll say anything!' shock tactic, he seemed to really want to get into that before he got cut off, and it makes his statements about Hitler and the Nazis seem like way less of an empty provocation, I think the truth is that he was playing up a lot of what he was saying for maximum offense and shock value, but is also an anti-semite who admires Hitler, like he's having his cake and eating it
Nah his friend can be heart broken . It makes sense to a degree but I just think people shouldn't rewrite the good memories they had about someone get into too much what ifs or regret about what they can't change versus what they can
yeah i guess
I can't very well police his friend's emotions. But it rlly isn't that deep lol
real asf, yeah I fully agree
Glad you can have the discussion I had been trying to say something similar. People think I am just a Ye nuthugger. I am not. It becomes at a certain point how do you hold someone accountable for something you disagree with even if its hate filled besides either not listening, not giving them a reaction even in protest because you know it is wrong . Like if someone says the sky is black on a sunny day how long do you say "no its blue". In his case it treads on hate speech but its been the same hate speech for most of a month plus now so every time we react in a way it does feed him. The News cycle articles they pump got ads, ad revenue, attention. Same as it was for Trump. If he hugged a flag we reacted, memed, viral tweeted. When not everything needs or deserves an offense, defense or condemnation. Sometimes humans just gonna human.
S*** I was at the Rittenhouse shooting and when I first saw he had a twitter I wanted to tweet at him every day get his attention. Tell him how traumatic that s*** was. Put him down. Make him feel fear. Then eventually I realized it becomes like an infection. You have to have peace and realize a lot of humans on the internet including celebrities even Ye have no bearing over your life or happiness unless you let them. Yes politicians do but you can tweet at aoc all day, protest outside politicians houses all of that at the end of the day they have people paying them, supporting them or that want them to do what they are doing
yeah i guess
I can't very well police his friend's emotions. But it rlly isn't that deep lol
S***s deeper to different people we can't invalidate how they feel. But for a mental health level we should only invest so much "heartbreak" into the idea of anyone versus getting ourselves right
Also I feel like a lot of these arguments are overlooking the Holocaust stuff, the man really seems to have an issue with it and Jews 'controlling the history books', that part doesn't seem possible to spin as an 'I'll say anything!' shock tactic, he seemed to really want to get into that before he got cut off, and it makes his statements about Hitler and the Nazis seem like way less of an empty provocation, I think the truth is that he was playing up a lot of what he was saying for maximum offense and shock value, but is also an anti-semite who admires Hitler, like he's having his cake and eating it
I get what you are saying but he knows Holocaust denial is illegal some places would draw more of a reaction than everything he says thus far and insinuates "if they could alter history in 1945 image what they are altering now"
if my a***ysis of his strategy is correct, Ye will keep up the anti-Mossad rhetoric all the way through primaries, but by the time we're seeing debates the Nazi stuff will be old news and we'll be talking about some other ridiculous business.
Why are you specifying anti-Mossad here? He only found out who Benjamin Netanyahu was 2 weeks ago, his beef with him genuinely seems to be that he has a funny name and he's Jewish, maybe I missed something but he barely mentions Mossad at all, his problems seem to be with Jewish people as a whole