That's what I'm trying to get at, there's no cohesive plan you can map onto his behaviour at all, he's acting on impulse because he's mentally unwell
we're also all a***yzing a man who boasts about having never read a book as if this is some sort of respectable / impressive badge of honor.
everyone in this thread myself included needs to log off lmao
even if this is true, I'm still right
there's still someone thinking deeply about the Ye 24 political campaign and coordinating s***.
Yes even down to Milo he knows to a slight degree what buttons to push. S*** Laura Loomer too. He is assembling a cancellation crew
And you're not? Jeeze Louise man, rewatch parts of the stream for real and see if you recognise a guy with a plan, especially an anti-Mossad, pro-accerationist one, I'm not trying to be an a****** dude but this guy's clearly out of his mind, maybe with enough distance from it you can start to put together patterns and construct a motive for what he's doing, but if you actually watch it, it's blatant that this is a mentally unstable man spouting far-right propaganda and insider fashion gossip with no clear aim
Edit: Post was in response to a deleted post by cold mountain claiming a tweet about hate speech was 'doing too much'
Ye is a sociopath
That's what I'm trying to get at, there's no cohesive plan you can map onto his behaviour at all, he's acting on impulse because he's mentally unwell
I feel like you can loosely map it as “generate controversy for attention=more money and power”
It’s been working his whole career and he’s trying to model himself after trump, I feel like that easily explains everything along with a touch of him being stupid/mentally not there
this gets into at least for black people in america like Lupe said " I have sat next to white supremacist in black lives matter shirts"
sometimes it hurts even more when someone appears to be an ally but they still hate your existence and use and manipulate you.
I get what he is saying though. Hate speech is bad in short. Brain is affected whether it is openly said or microagressions though
I feel like you can loosely map it as “generate controversy for attention=more money and power”
It’s been working his whole career and he’s trying to model himself after trump, I feel like that easily explains everything along with a touch of him being stupid/mentally not there
I can definitely see this, but I wouldn't say it's anywhere near some of the deep game plans that have been proposed ITT
Praising Nazi governments obviously clearly reprehensible. We have 0 control over Ye. We can say Ye out of control, crazy, stupid, wrong, antisemitic, ignorant, should read, focus on his family a million times its not going to get to his brain.
so again I refocus on what you said in that middle paragraph. His goal he is failing to be clear is to unite us to see our modern day forms of slavery or holocaust this isnt fan fiction he has said modern day slavery and modern day holocaust in abortion. We do have modern day versions of previous horrors partially because we study a history that is given to us again shout out peoples history of america. He blends that s*** with hyper religious beliefs ironically used in slavery to stop slaves or product from committing suicide to string them along But he has the same in appearance goals as the massas.
i have zero control of Ye, but like pushing against any problem, i believe having control over your own voice and using it has power, especially when people speak together. So, with everything this man is doing and representing right now, for all these neo-nazis hes hanging out with right now ill say this: f*** Ye, f*** nazis, f*** far right politics.
Because just like i cant control capitalism, helping gain a collective class consciousness is the best we can do to push against it. So in that same vein, ill keep on saying f*** Ye and f*** his s*** hes on.
Stop conspiring and trying to rationalize what he’s doing or trying to do. It’s wrong regardless of ulterior motives or not. He is a sociopath. He unmasked. He doesn’t care anymore. He is a sociopath who is inviting people to kill him if they wish.
If you are reacting to what he is saying in all caps, calling people idiots, brain dead on a Saturday night in December how do you not have the self awareness to see he is evoking hatred out of you as well ?
If you are reacting to what he is saying in all caps, calling people idiots, brain dead on a Saturday night in December how do you not have the self awareness to see he is evoking hatred out of you as well ?
ey f*** kanye west
and f*** nazis
im all for hating anyone who praises Nazi leaders and rhetoric, idgaf if someone says im not loving everyone. i dont want to love Nazis nor do they need my love. f*** that, ill leave loving everyone to the Gods.
If you are reacting to what he is saying in all caps, calling people idiots, brain dead on a Saturday night in December how do you not have the self awareness to see he is evoking hatred out of you as well ?
This is basically a non-point, we're all wasting time here fundamentally, there's nothing to take from this other than 'I'm chiller than you'
This is basically a non-point, we're all wasting time here fundamentally, there's nothing to take from this other than 'I'm chiller than you'
not to mention Ye was posting in all caps for months on instagram harassing his ex wife lol... but that was justifiable, right????
im all for hating anyone who praises Nazi leaders and rhetoric, idgaf if someone says im not loving everyone. i dont want to love Nazis nor do they need my love. f*** that, ill leave loving everyone to the Gods.
try loving everyone for a week and see how you feel.
If you don't feel good, then go ahead and give up love. but try it before you knock it!
i have zero control of Ye, but like pushing against any problem, i believe having control over your own voice and using it has power, especially when people speak together. So, with everything this man is doing and representing right now, for all these neo-nazis hes hanging out with right now ill say this: f*** Ye, f*** nazis, f*** far right politics.
Because just like i cant control capitalism, helping gain a collective class consciousness is the best we can do to push against it. So in that same vein, ill keep on saying f*** Ye and f*** his s*** hes on.
I get what you are saying but to me at least saying f*** 12, f*** trump, this is bad, this is evil. Isn't enough because it doesn't really make progress. Same way defund the police is simple but gets twisted into "you want more crime" when in reality the longer answer is how we invest in communities and care. Its possible to be abolitionist but also be like "damn wtf we going to do with some people that truly resist rehabilitation". Like short form catchy viral phrases are cool like chanting black lives matter at a protest but how do we actually make progress on those those things? How do we fight nazism rather than react to it when much of our government in power has Nazi like ideas or influences? Alt right you can't fight many of these things by pretending they dont exist or acting like our government doesn't often allow them to exist or foster on the internet when they could not .
For some of us that is discussion and listening . I get why someone could hate that idea or view it as pointless, brick wall, don't talk to oppressor or someone that hates you. But again like Jon Stewart says sometimes you have to acknowledge the wound bring it to the light and have controlled debates or discussions where you get a better understanding of each other and the roots of issues. Because otherwise we will never make any form of progress
try loving everyone for a week and see how you feel.
If you don't feel good, then go ahead and give up love. but try it before you knock it!
no thank you. Ill spend energy towards loving people who arnt loved, but need love, like say - people in the houseless community in my city.
I will not waste time loving people who want to commit genocide on jews. if you think that makes me a bad person who "cAnT fiNd lOvE inN mY hEarT", or if that makes me a "hateful person" thats fine. think what you want lmao
At the start of this semester, this christian cult tried to recruit me through the guise of bible studies.
Let me tell you, Kanye is speaking just like a fundamental christian
not to mention Ye was posting in all caps for months on instagram harassing his ex wife lol... but that was justifiable, right????
that wasn't justifiable or any of our business. It was too much and attention seeking. The point isn't I am chiller than you. It is simply we have to be able to talk to each other. Be it internet, in person, protest etc. We have to find ways to talk to people we disagree with without demonizing them. If we are going to Demonize them or think they are hate filled then we shouldn't waste time talking to, listening to or reacting to them in many cases.
At the start of this semester, this christian cult tried to recruit me through the guise of bible studies.
Let me tell you, Kanye is speaking just like a fundamental christian
I interviewed many of them this year and thats why I have said the same
I interviewed many of them this year and thats why I have said the same
Interviewed for what
I get what you are saying but to me at least saying f*** 12, f*** trump, this is bad, this is evil. Isn't enough because it doesn't really make progress. Same way defund the police is simple but gets twisted into "you want more crime" when in reality the longer answer is how we invest in communities and care. Its possible to be abolitionist but also be like "damn wtf we going to do with some people that truly resist rehabilitation". Like short form catchy viral phrases are cool like chanting black lives matter at a protest but how do we actually make progress on those those things? How do we fight nazism rather than react to it when much of our government in power has Nazi like ideas or influences? Alt right you can't fight many of these things by pretending they dont exist or acting like our government doesn't often allow them to exist or foster on the internet when they could not .
For some of us that is discussion and listening . I get why someone could hate that idea or view it as pointless, brick wall, don't talk to oppressor or someone that hates you. But again like Jon Stewart says sometimes you have to acknowledge the wound bring it to the light and have controlled debates or discussions where you get a better understanding of each other and the roots of issues. Because otherwise we will never make any form of progress
i 100% believe in engaging in conversation with the opposition and making points known beyond yelling catchy slogans (you and i have been engaging in a healthy back and forth and we clearly have some similarities as well as disagreements)
so yeah, me saying f*** kanye does mean im like unwilling to take part in political dialogue in every other political conversation.